Cris Williamson
Decades before indie labels were the norm, and years before women had any real access to the industry, Cris Williamson was busy changing the face of popular music. In 1975, the twenty-something former schoolteacher recorded The Changer And The Changed, for her brainchild, Olivia Records. the first woman-owned woman-focused record company. Her music and voice quickly became the soundtrack of a movement, and was the cornerstone of what would become known as "women's music," music created, performed, and marketed specifically to women. Today, that recording, The Changer and the Changed, remains one of the best-selling independent releases of all time. Says Bonnie Raitt, "The first time I heard Cris' music, it was like hearing honey dripped on a cello... Cris has been a whole lot of women's heroes—including mine." Don't miss your chance to see her live at the South Broadway Cultural Center!