El Bosque de Los Suenos.jpg
A large metal sculpture featuring two separate pieces. The first is a spiral atop a pillar. the second is a large blue oval on a spike.
Tapestry of Life
A painting of a goat in white and gray against a dark background with colorful ribbons in red, orange, and yellow at the edges of the canvas.
Sometimes He Could See Through Space
A surrealist, digital artwork of a person in bold blues and oranges.
Fish Globe
A close up of a large metal sculpture in a sphere shape made up of flat metal fish interlocking.
American Dog
A "2D" metal sculpture of the outline of a large breed dog with a negative space cut-out of a bone in the center.
PublicArtUETF Banner
A collage and logo grouping featuring the Public Art and City of Albuquerque seal logos flanking a group of public art photos.
Alphabet Soup
A series of letters in large, 3D metal descend the side of a building in a messy clump that expands at the ground.