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Audubon Mural Project

Call for artists for the Audubon Mural Project at the Albuquerque BioPark.

     Call for Artists
Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico
Vanishing Birds Murals - A Public Art Project

Apply Here

Deadline for Submission: Monday, September 30, 2024 at 3:59pm

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LOCATION/CONTEXT: The Public Art Urban Enhancement Division and Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico, a chapter of the National Audubon Society seeks to commission public murals in an initiative that draws attention to climate change.  The Audubon Mural Project began in 2014, when the National Audubon Society commissioned artists to paint murals of threatened species on walls, doors and other surfaces.  Now, chapters of the Society are carrying the project across the country. 

PROJECT INTENT/THEME: The Art Selection Committee seeks an artist or artists who are capable of producing murals for installation at the City of Albuquerque’s BioPark. The project will feature birds from the region whose lives are threatened by the impact of climate change. In addition to their artistic value, the murals will expand public awareness of this issue. They will remind people that the shifts in climate that threaten birds also threaten our planet. The National Audubon Society research finds climate change threatens 389 bird species with extinction and that no bird will escape the impacts of related hazards such as increased wildfire and drought.

SITE: The site for this project is the Albuquerque BioPark’s Raptor Center, where an artist(s) will design and install murals for the two Raptor Roost walls: The entry (23’ W x 8’ H and 6.5’ W x 3.5’ H); Exit (23’ W x 10’ H and 6.5’ W x 3.5’ H ); and third mural on the restroom wall and entry (27’ W x 7.5’ H) just outside of the Raptor Roost.

View site images.

MEDIA/STYLE: The murals should be painted in outdoor materials that can be easily maintained.

For Audubon Murals Project, only birds at the Survival by Degrees’ highest levels of threat can be included. These are species considered vulnerable to extinction from climate change by 2080. We have created a list of birds from this category, highly relevant to our area, from which we'd like the artists to choose. The murals can include one or several birds, including: 

  • Northern Goshawk
  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Ferruginous Hawk
  • Western Wood-Pewee
  • Mountain Chickadee
  • Sage Thrasher
  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird
  • Green-tailed Towhee
  • Spotted Towhee
  • Western Bluebird
  • Bushtit
  • White-crowned Sparrow 
  • Northern Flicker
  • Gadwall
  • Western Tanager
  • Black-headed Grosbeak 
  • American Goldfinch
  • Golden Eagle
  • Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
  • American Robin

In addition to Survival by Degrees, another useful reference site for the artists is All About Birds.

Each of the birds on this list is photographed and described in the report. The Bird Alliance encourages artists to work with the organization on their choice of birds specific to New Mexico, as well as suggested insects and native plants that are consumed by selected birds. It’s important any accompanying foliage and insects, etc. be painted in the mural correctly for the corresponding birds. 

There is no requirement that the birds be completely realistic, but they must be clearly identifiable as members of their species.

Artists can learn about the spirit of the Audubon Murals project and see many examples of the murals at

All murals designs should include the phrase: “Birds Are Vanishing Protect Wildlife Habitat”.  Incorporation and placement of the phrase can be proposed by the artist(s). 

The completed mural design may be used by the Audubon Society and/or the City of Albuquerque for educational and promotional purposes. Any commercial use of the completed mural design may be negotiated with the artist(s).

PROJECT FUNDS: $20,000 is available to commission the murals. The all-inclusive project budget includes design and completed fabrication and installation of the approved murals.

APPLICATION PROCESS: Submission Materials - Artists must submit the following items via the online application for the project:

  1. A statement or description of the proposed mural(s), which includes a description of the artwork. Not to exceed 500 words.
  2. A current resume including statements regarding your artwork/art education and past work, etc. Not to exceed 500 words.
  3. Artists may submit up to two (2) artwork sample submissions for consideration. The submissions may include an existing mural installation or a proposal to fabricate one or more murals, or a combination of both.
  4. Up to three (3) images of works of art demonstrating the artist's style and ability to fabricate and install large scale outdoor mural.
  5. An image key, clearly labeled with your full name and a numerical listing for each image, the title of the work, dimensions, and year of completion.

This online process requires that all application images and materials be submitted in a digital format. Please note that there is not a save and return function.

SELECTION PROCESS AND CRITERIA: The Art Selection Committee will score applications based on the selection criteria listed.

The selection criteria shall include, but is not limited to:

  • The artists’ familiarity with the subject of climate change and its effect on threatened and endangered birds.
  • Artists’ whose familiarity with endangered and threatened birds has cultural significance.
  • The professional qualifications of the artist demonstrated by the supporting materials.
  • Demonstrated artistic quality (use of media, unique vision, quality of craftsmanship)

Legal residents of New Mexico are eligible to submit. Proof of residency may be requested.

The application, images and other required materials must be submitted electronically by 3:59 p.m. on September 30th.

Questions about the project may be directed to Robyne Robinson, Project Planner, City of Albuquerque Public Art Urban Enhancement Division at (505) 768-3837 or email [email protected].