The Printer’s Proof: Artist and Printer Collaborations

PHOTO: N. Vanesky, 2022
The Printer’s Proof: Reflections on Printmaking
digital video: 48:35 minutes
In conjunction with the exhibition, The Printer’s Proof: Artist and Printer Collaborations, Albuquerque Museum conducted studio visits and interviews with printers Marina Ancona, Robert Arber, Steve Britko, Michael Costello, Bill Lagattuta, and Jennifer Lynch. The film places the careers of these printers in the context of the nationwide resurgence in printmaking which occurred in the 1960s telling the stories of each printer and delving further into each one’s wealth of knowledge and experiences. The printers discuss ideas and memories about a range of themes including the printer as artist, creative collaborations, Tamarind Institute, printmaking techniques, memories of artists, and problem solving.
What is a Print? PDF
¿Qué es un grabado? PDF
This exhibition focused on the collaborative process of printmaking and celebrates several printers based (or formerly based) in New Mexico as well as the artists they have worked with. Often the printer receives less recognition than the artist for their role in making prints; The Printer’s Proof centers around the perspectives of six featured printers: Marina Ancona, Robert Arber, Steve Britko, Michael Costello, Bill Lagattuta, and Jennifer Lynch. In addition, several works by Ron Adams, founder of Hand Graphics in Santa Fe was on view. Artists featured in the exhibition included Donald Judd, Harmony Hammond, Nick Cave, Jim Dine, Susan Rothenberg, Hung Liu, Nicola Lopez, Liliana Porter, Luis Tapia and many more.
The Printer’s Proof examined a variety of printing techniques and explored how the final print is often shaped by the nature of the collaborative process between artist and printer. Printmaking can be highly technical and requires years of experience to achieve a high sense of proficiency. While some artists who work with a printer are knowledgeable about printmaking, others have never created a print before. The printer’s knowledge of the process, materials, and possibilities can be crucial to helping an artist achieve their vision, while sometimes the artist’s visions can push the printer in new directions to explore new techniques and methods. This synergy between artist and printer is at the heart of the works included in the exhibition.
The exhibition celebrated each printer’s career and explored the creative, technical, and visual ideas unique to printmaking. The Printer’s Proof featured over 120 artists with works spanning from the 1970s to the present. The prints included provide compelling evidence of the unique and expressive possibilities of printmaking. In addition, there was a video component featuring interviews with each of the printers.
The Printer’s Proof was curated by Albuquerque Museum.
Hung Liu (artist), Bill Lagattuta (printer), Sisters in Arms I, 2003, 6 color lithograph with chine collé of Chinese designs, 30 x 36 in., Albuquerque Museum, gift of Marjorie Devon, PC2014.59.1, © 2000 Hung Liu
Details subject to change.