50th Anniversary Collections Guides
The Albuquerque Museum's fiftieth anniversary is commemorated in a series of books highlighting the Museum's various collections in art, photography, history, and of its historic house museum Casa San Ysidro located in Corrales, New Mexico. Published by the Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe. The collections guides will be available at the Museum Store. For more information, call (505) 242-0434 for more information.
Albuquerque Museum Art Collection: Common Ground
By Josie Lopez, Lacey Chrisco, and Andrew L. Connors
The broad range of works in the Albuquerque Museum's permanent art collection reflects the diversity, creativity, and innovation of New Mexico's artistic legacy. This guidebook highlights masterworks in the collection spanning centuries including contemporary art and photography, sculpture, jewelry, early and contemporary Hispanic religious art, traditional and contemporary Pueblo pottery, and tapestries. Represented in the collection are among the Southwest's best-known twentieth-century artists: Georgia O'Keeffe, T.C. Cannon, Gustave Baumann, Andrew Dasburg, Frederick Hammersley, and Raymond Jonson. Photographers include Miguel Gandert, Lee Friedlander, Patrick Nagatani, Anne Noggle, and Betty Hahn as well as some unexpected gems such as a series of color serigraphs on paper of Mao Tse-Tung by Andy Warhol.
© 2020 Albuquerque Museum. Available now.
Casa San Ysidro: The Gutiérrez/Minge House in Corrales, New Mexico
By Ward Alan Minge
Across the road from the Old Church in the Village of Corrales stands Casa San Ysidro built circa 1875. Ward Alan Minge tells the story of Casa San Ysidro's architectural history and collections. Historic and contemporary photographs show the structural changes over the years and highlight the collection - Hispano tinwork, ironwork, carpentry, and weavings; Pueblo pottery; Navajo textiles; Apache basketry; and furnishings from the Spanish colonial, Mexican, and Territorial periods - housed inside Casa San Ysidro.
© 2017 Albuquerque Museum. Available now.
Albuquerque Museum Photo Archives Collection: Images in Silver
Compiled by Glenn Fye
The Museum's rich archive of historic photographs - more than 133,000 - document Albuquerque, its people, architecture, businesses, urban landscape, and depictions of daily life and important events. The archives have long served as an important resource for the community. This guide to the Photo Archives features 180 images drawn from six collections acquired over the years. Essays discuss the founding of the archive, expansion of its photographic holdings, and its role in preserving Albuquerque's past.
© 2017 Albuquerque Museum. Available now.
Albuquerque Museum History Collection: Only in Albuquerque
By Deborah C. Slaney
"Albuquerque Museum History Collection: Only in Albuquerque" highlight the museum's rich history collection, drawing examples from thirty-five thousand artifacts. The objects range from Hispanic religious art, Native American textiles and jewelry, toys and early computers, to railroad and Route 66 memorabilia. The collection represents the history of New Mexico's central Rio Grande valley and Greater Albuquerque from before written history through the present.
© 2018 Albuquerque Museum. Available now.