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University of New Mexico, Main Campus (UNM)

UNM requests a renewal of their air quality Title V operating permit in Application #0536-RN2. The Department has issued the Draft Title V operating permit renewal and associated documents.
July 15, 2024

The Air Quality Program (Program) of the City of Albuquerque Environmental Health Department has received a Title V Operating Permit renewal application from the University of New Mexico. The owner of the Facility is The Regents of UNM located at 1800 Roma Ave. NE in Albuquerque, NM 87131 (Permittee). Based on the application and information received to date, the Program intends to issue such Title V Operating Permit renewal (Permit) to the Facility. The Draft Permit has been assigned Operating Permit Application No. 0536-RN2. 

The Permittee is a state chartered research university. The University of New Mexico Main Campus (Facility) consists of steam boilers, various heating equipment, combined cycle natural gas turbines, a crematorium, emergency generators, above ground storage tank, chemical usage and unpaved parking lots.

The operating permit application is for a permit renewal, and the Facility is required to have a Title V Operating Permit pursuant to 20.11.42 NMAC.


Important Dates:

Comment Period Start Date: July 15, 2024

Comment End Date: August 14, 2024


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