Clean Cars New Mexico Public Engagement Kickoff Meeting
Time: 5 pm Mountain Time July 21, 2021
Link to Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 978 2611 4197
Passcode: 624596
This program will reduce the health and environmental impacts of light-duty vehicles by adopting stricter tailpipe emission standards for new vehicles offered for sale in New Mexico. The benefits of these rules for New Mexicans are clear: cleaner air to breathe, less money spent at the pump, more clean car options for consumers, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The Environment Department and City of Albuquerque anticipate filing petitions to our respective rulemaking boards in December 2021. If approved, the rules will go into effect in late 2022.
Please join us July 21 to learn more about clean car standards, how they benefit New Mexicans and how you can provide input throughout the rulemaking process. We look forward to answering your questions and hearing your input at the meeting. Robust public engagement and participation are critical to the success of implementing these regulations, and we are committed to ensuring the diversity of New Mexico is represented
in any decision the Department makes.
For more information on the clean cars rulemaking, contact Claudia Borchert at the New Mexico Environment Department at 505-699-8489 or [email protected]. If you need language interpretation services or other accommodations, please contact Claudia Borchert by July 12.
Thank you, and we look forward to your continued participation on the road toward clean car standards for New Mexico!