Online Planning Services, Permitting & Applications
About Online Services
The Planning Department is constantly working to make processes more efficient and easier to use. Because of these efforts, we are implementing a new online services system that makes applying for a permit, submitting an application, registering a business, searching records and much more, easier to do.
The new system also allows for greater transparency through enhanced search and tracking capabilities.
Anyone can visit the system online and do permit searches, application searches, business registration searches, and so much more with the click of a mouse or swipe of your finger on a mobile device.
Plus, the system allows you to track your application and upload documents as it progresses through the approval process.
This new system takes usability to a new level with an integrated web-based platform that can be used by multiple internal users and unlimited public users at the same time. Should you encounter an issues while using this online services system, we encourage you to read through our FAQs or contact the appropriate division for assistance.
Online Land Use and Zoning Applications
Submitting an application to one of our boards or commissions just got easier. Use ABQ-PLAN to submit all applications online for the Development Hearing Officer, Environmental Planning Commission, Landmarks Commission, and Zoning Hearing Examiner.
In addition, the system lets you upload required documents, track your application progress and pay any applicable fees, all with the click of a mouse or swipe of your finger.
Online Building Safety Permits
Applying for a building or construction trade permit with the Building Safety Division is fast and easy.
Our system allows you to submit applications, upload plans, review comments, make payments and track your applications through the approval process from your computer with no need to visit our offices.
The online system allows you to apply for things such as new building permits, electrical permits, plumbing and mechanical permits, renovation permits, demolition permits and much more.
View answers to frequently asked questions about Building Safety.
Online Business Registration & Renewals
Business registration is easy with our online system which allows you to register and pay fees right from your computer or mobile device. We recognize business owners are busy people who need to make efficient use of their time.
This system helps you do that by making it faster and more convenient to register, renew or change a business address.
There is no longer a need for you to visit our offices for any portion of the business registration or renewal process.
The online system allows you to apply for a new business license, renew an existing business license, change your business address, and more.
Complete Your Business Registration
* Answers to frequently asked questions may be found on the Business Registration FAQ page.
Online Code Enforcement Permits
Applying for a permit with the Code Enforcement Division is fast and convenient.
The online system allows you to submit applications, request a site inspection or report a possible code violation, upload plans, review comments, make payments and track your application through the approval process.
There is no longer a need for you to visit our offices for any portion of the submission process. The online system allows you to apply for things such as sign permits, wall permits, motor vehicle dealer certifications, liquor licenses, vacant building registrations, firearms affidavits, zonal verification requests, and much more.
Apply for a Code Enforcement Permit
Below you'll find the basic steps for utilizing the online system for the Code Enforcement Division.
- Access the Code Enforcement Permitting System
- Register to use the online system (you will be required to supply an email address)
- Fill out all fields provided to you in the online system
- Upload required documents and/or provide necessary details
- Pay applicable fees online (if required)
- Check the online system to track the progress of your application
* Answers to frequently asked questions may be found on the Code Enforcement FAQ page.
Online Searches
Want to search our online system for permits, applications, business registrations or notices of violation? It's easy with our new search features which can be done from any computer or mobile device. No need to visit our office, just conduct the search online at your convenience.
Community Connect
Community Connect is a partnership between the community, the City of Albuquerque and the Bernalillo County District Attorney’s Office, the Albuquerque Police Department, the Real Time Crime Center, and the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. Become an Albuquerque Community Connect partner and provide law enforcement with footage that makes it easier and more efficient to make arrests. Detectives will use your evidence to identify and connect criminals to one another and to crimes. Partnering with Albuquerque Community Connect is completely free and voluntary. For more information and to register click here.