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Performance Reports

Information about performance reports for 311.

Monthly Interactions Handled

Interactions: Total number of interactions with the Community Contact Center on a monthly basis.

A bar graph showing the 311 Monthly Call Arrival for the past 12 months showing Call volumes increasing from the 81,629 in February of 2024 to the 90,000s for the warmer months in 2023. Call volumes begin to drop after September 2023 with a low of 77,833 in Nov. 2023.
Monthly Community Interactions: Ranges Between 77,000 and 99,000
Month and Year Number of Interactions
June 2023 93,299
July 2023 97,303
Aug. 2023 94,669
Sept. 2023 86,760
Oct. 2023 86,531
Nov. 2023 77,833
Dec. 2023 82,298
Jan. 2024 98,251
Feb. 2024 81,629
March 2024 82,498
April 2024 83,371
May 2024 94,482

Monthly Service Level

Service Level: A measurement of the percentage of calls that are answered within a specific time frame. The goal for all calls is 80% answered in less than 30 seconds.

A bar graph showing percentages for the Monthly Service Level over the past year compared to the 80% goal. Every month has been over the goal with the lowest being 80.01% in Feb. 2024 and the highest being 87.69% in June 2023. Data is in the table below.

Monthly Service Level: Ranges Between 80% and 90%
Month and Year % Calls Answered in Under 30 Seconds
June 2023 87.69%
July 2023 84.07%
Aug. 2023 84.54%
Sept. 2023 83.61%
Oct. 2023 84.87%
Nov. 2023 85.07%
Dec. 2023 86.70%
Jan. 2024 84.04%
Feb. 2024 80.01%
March 2024 86.66%
April 2024 84.53%
May 2024 81.58%

Monthly Call Quality

Call Quality: Consistency in the delivery of service to each and every citizen.

Call quality is measured against a call quality guide developed by all levels of the organization that is reviewed quarterly and revised based on current trends. The goal is to reach a minimum of 85% each month.

A bar graph showing the Monthly call quality for 311 calls over the past year compared to the 85% goal. The actual quality is between 95.4% and 98.5% with a low of 95.4% in June 2023 then an increase to 97.8% in July 2023 before maintaining in the 96% to 98% range. Data is in the table below.

Monthly Service Level: Ranges Between 91% and 99%
Month and Year % Call Quality
June 2023 95.4%
July 2023 97.8%
Aug. 2023 96.2%
Sept. 2023 96.7%
Oct. 2023 96.6%
Nov. 2023 96.3%
Dec. 2023 97.5%
Jan. 2024 96.8%
Feb. 2024 98.4%
March 2024 98.1%
April 2024 98.5%
May 2024 97.5%

Top 10 Call Reasons

Top 10 reasons for May 2024 calls to 311 Community Contact Center:

  1. Solid Waste Management - 20,606
  2. Transit - 16,255
  3. Animal - Welfare 6,023
  4. Planning - 3,563
  5. Municipal Development - 2,806
  6. Police - 2,678
  7. Arts and Culture - 1,981
  8. Parks & Recreation - 1,424
  9. Financial & Admin - 1,008
  10. Environmental health - 698

There were 4,014 non-City calls and 2,577 dead air, hangup, static, or wrong-number calls.