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Senior Meals

Information about senior meal programs throughout Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

March 2025 Menu


For information about services for seniors in Bernalillo County, call 505-764-6400.

The Department of Senior Affairs senior meal program promotes good health, encourages socialization, prevents malnutrition, and provides nutrition education. Lunch menus reflect nutrition guidance for overall health and well-being, and include New Mexico local fruits, vegetables, beans, chile, and meat.  Senior Affairs offers low-cost breakfast and free/donation-based senior lunch service to adults age 60+ or low-cost lunch to adults 50+ at senior and multigenerational centers Monday - Friday between 11:30A - 1:00P. Call your center for more information or to reserve your lunch 24 hours in advance.

Senior Affairs also offers home-delivered meal service to homebound seniors who have physical, emotional or other limitations that do not allow them to leave their homes on their own. If you, or someone you know, fits this description, call the Senior Information & Assistance Hotline at 505-764- 6400.

All City of Albuquerque Senior and Multigenerational centers offer free/donation-based lunch to adults age 60+ ($2 donation appreciated.) For adults ages 50-59, lunch is offered at a reduced rate of $3.25. Highland, Los Volcanes, Palo Duro, & Bear Canyon senior centers also offer low-cost made-to-order menu options in addition to the regular senior lunch program.  All sites offer a low-cost breakfast program Monday-Friday, 8AM-9AM.  

Adults under the age of 50 are invited to visit our two multigenerational centers and can purchase lunch for $7.67. Our multigenerational centers are North Domingo Baca and Manzano Mesa.

Online donations are welcome and appreciated.

Senior and Multigenerational Meal Site Locations:

Barelas Senior Center
714 Seventh St, SW 87107

Bear Canyon Senior Center
4645 Pitt St. NE 87111

Highland Senior Center
131 Monroe St. NE 87108

Los Volcanes Senior Center
6500 Los Volcanes, NW 87121

Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
501 Elizabeth, SE 87123

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center
7521 Carmel Ave, NE 87113

North Valley Senior Center
3825 4th St, NW 87107

Palo Duro Senior Center
5221 Palo Duro Dr. NE 87110

Santa Barbara Martineztown Multigenerational Center
1825 Edith Blvd NE 87102

Seniors can request transportation service from their homes within a five-mile radius to all City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County meal sites. We offer transport within a six-mile radius to Whispering Pines and Tijeras Senior Center.  To utilize meal site transport services, individuals can register directly with their center site.

The additional senior meal sites are generally open Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-3PM, and provide activities as well as a senior lunch program.  Menus and calendars of activities are available at each meal site. Meals are offered free to adults 60 and older, however, donations for meals are accepted and appreciated.

Additional Senior Meal Site Locations

Additional City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County senior meal sites that serve free lunch to those 60 and older include:

  • Raymond G. Sanchez Senior Center
  • Rio Bravo Senior Center
  • South Valley Multi-Purpose Senior Center
  • Paradise Hills Senior Center
  • Whispering Pines Senior Center
  • Cesar Chavez Community Center
  • Los Duranes Community Center
  • Taylor Ranch Community Center
  • Westgate Community Center (New Location)
  • Tijeras Senior Center

Additional senior meal sites are generally open Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-2:30PM, and provide activities as well as a senior lunch program. Menus and calendars of activities are available at each meal site. Reservations are required one day prior by 12 noon.

Raymond G. Sanchez Senior Center
9800 4th NW 87114

Whispering Pines
# 6 Lark Road Tijeras, NM 87059

Paradise Hills
5901 Paradise NW 87114

Embudo Towers
8010 Constitution NE 87110
Rio Bravo Senior Center 
3910 Isleta Blvd SW 87105
Ed Romero Terrace
8100 Central Ave SE 87108

Encino Garden
412 Alvarado SE 87108

Shalom House
5500 Wyoming NE 87109
Encino Terrace
609 Encino Place NE 87102
South Valley Multi-Purpose Senior Center
2008 Larrazolo SW 87105

La Amistad
415 Fruit NE 87102

Taylor Ranch Community Center
4900 Kachina NW 87120

Cesar Chavez Community Center
7505 Kathryn SE 87108


Los Duranes Community Center
2920 Leopoldo NW 87104


Tijeras Senior Center
#10 Tijeras Ave, Tijeras NM 87059


Westgate Community Center
10001 De Vargas Rd. SW 87121


Lunch is offered for residents at the following locations:

  • Ed Romero Terrace
  • Encino Garden
  • Encino Terrace
  • Embudo Towers
  • Shalom House

Meals are offered free to adults 60 and older, however, donations for meals are accepted and appreciated. Call each site for more information regarding hours of operation.

Home Delivered Meals

Seniors age 60+ who are unable to cook for themselves, have no one else to cook for them, and are unable to attend a meal site may be eligible to receive a home-delivered meal on a donation basis. Case Management Coordinators will conduct an eligibility assessment for this program. For more information about Home Delivered Meals, contact our Senior Information and Assistance Program at 505-764-6400.