Basketball Court Locations
Location information for basketball courts in Albuquerque.
View Basketball Court Locations in a larger map.
Basketball Court Locations by Zip Code
87102 87104 87105 87106 87107 87108 87109 87110 87111 87112 87113 87114 87120 87121 87122 87123
- Dennis Chavez Park - full court
715 Kathryn SE Map - Eddie Garcia Park - full court
1129 8th SW Map - Graves Park - half court
820 Cutler NW - Guadalupe Park - full court
207 Cromwell SE Map - Hazeldine Park - 2 half courts
800 3rd SW Map - Martineztown - Santa Barbara Park - 2 full courts
1825 Edith NE map - Santa Barbara Park - 2 full courts
1301 Walter NE Map - South San Jose Park - full court
400 San Jose Park SE Map - Wells Park - 2 full courts (currently under construction)
591 Mountain NW
- Krogh Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
2200 Frederick NW Map - Tiguex Park - 2 full courts
1800 Mountain NW Map
- Valley Gardens Park - full court
4629 Sorrel La SW Map
- Kirtland Park - 2 full courts
2903 University SE Map - Korean War Veterans Park - 2 full courts
1700 Yale SE Map - Summit Park - half court
3000 Constitution NE Map
- Columbus Park - 2 half courts
5301 Guadalupe NW Map - Goodrich Park - 2 half courts
200 Delamar NW Map - Lafayette Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
3601 Lafayette NE Map
- Fox Memorial Park - 2 half courts
700 Alvarado NE Map - Jack and Jill Park - half court
433 -1/2 Arizona SE - Mesa Verde Park - full court
7900 Marquette NE Map - Phil Chacon Park - full court (currently under construction)
7600 Southern SE Map - Whittier Elementary School - 2 full courts
1110 Quincy SE
- Arroyo Del Oso Park - full court
7001 Osuna NE Map - Heritage Hills Park - half court
7015 Ventura NE Map - Loma del Norte Park - full court
7511 Burke NE map - Rotary Park - 2 half courts
7725 Quintana NE Map
- Kiva Park - full court
3107 Cuervo NE Map - Villela Park - 2 full courts
3400 Monroe NE
- High Desert Park - 1 full court, 1 with 3 toddler sized goals
13000 Academy NE Map - Sunset Canyon Park - half court
4850 Larchmont NE Map
- Bianchetti Park - half court
12810 Granite NE Map - Conchas Park - half court
9425 Claremont NE Map - Embudo Hills Park - half court
12001/2 Monte Verde NE Map - Hoffman Park - 4 goals on 1 pole
2480 Mesa Linda NE Map - Lynnewood Park - full court
2721 Marie Park NE Map - Piedra Lisa Park - half court against the dam
13225 Menaul NE Map - Snow Park - full court
1925 Parsifal NE Map
- Bernardo Trails Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
5000 Vista Del Norte NE
- Calle de Vida - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
6401 Los Pueblos NW - Country Hills Park - 4 goals on 1 pole
9611 Palomita NW Map - Eagle Ranch Park- 3 half courts
3500 1/2 Congress NW Map - East Atrisco Kimbar Park- 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
6600 Miami Rd. NW - Paradise Skies Park - full court
6100 Sagittarius NW - Ridgeview Village Park - half court
5735 Night Whisper NW - Seville Park - half court
6300 Burgos NW - Tres Placitas Park - half court
Tres Placitas Park on a map - Tuscany Park - half court
5113 Bandelier NW Map - Ventana Ranch Park - 2 full courts
10000 Universe NW
- Andalucia Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
4801 La Bienvenida NW - Laurelwood Park - half court
7440 Hanover NW - Mariposa Basin Park- Petroglyph Little League Park 120 - full court
6701 Taylor Ranch NW Map - Montano West Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
5711 Hayes NW Map - Parkwest Park - full court
2401 Parkwest NW Map - Presidio Park - half court
6700 Cleghorn NW Map - Rancho Encantado Park - half court
5900 Milne NW - Redlands Park - half court
5121 Sequoia NW Map - Rinconada Park - full court
3125 Painted Rock NW Map - Santa Fe Village Park - half court
5700 Bogart NW Map - Shawn McWethy Park- half court
1405-1301 Casa Florida NW - Sundoro South Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
9501 Endee NW - West Bluff Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
2408 Alamagordo NW Map
- Alamosa Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
1100 Bataan SW Map - Alamosa Center - 2 full courts
6900 Gonzales SW Map - Anderson Heights Park - half court
10801 Cenote SW - Avalon Park - 3 half courts
9200 Starboard NW - Bennie Aragon Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
10701 Benavedez SW Map - Desert Springs - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
7627 Blue Avena SW Map - Mountain View Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
1400 Seven Falls SW - Westgate Community Park - full court
1901 Valley View SW Map - Silver Tree Park - half court
2501 Silver Tree SW - Vista Nueva Park - half court
8115 Kimela Map
- Quintessence Park - 2 half courts
9801 Quintessence NE Map
- Chelwood Park - half court
13205 San Juan NE Map - City View Estates Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
901 Jewel NE Map - Four Hills/Ed Barsis Park - half court
828 Suzanne Ln. SE - Lauren C. Bolles Park - 2 goals on 1 pole, 2 half courts
13121 Skyview NE Map - Singing Arrow Park - 1 full court, has 4 goals
12929 Piru SE Map