Justice40 Oversight Coordinating Committee
What is Justice 40?
The Justice40 Initiative, established by the Biden-Harris Administration, aims to tackle the long-standing issue of inadequate investment in marginalized communities. This initiative endeavors to allocate resources to the communities that have been disproportionately affected by climate change, pollution, and environmental hazards.
At the federal level, the Justice40 Initiative is a comprehensive governmental strategy that establishes a requirement that a at least 40 percent of federal investments to reverse or prevent negative environmental and social impacts be directed towards disadvantaged communities. These investments include various areas such as clean energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of historical pollution, and the establishment of clean water infrastructure.
Established though an executive order by Mayor Tim Keller, Albuquerque Justice 40 is the City of Albuquerque’s effort to assure a just and equitable implementation of the national Justice 40 initiative locally. This work is guided by the Justice40 Oversight Coordinating Committee (OCC) composed of seven community representatives appointed by the Mayor.
The larger aim of Albuquerque Justice 40 is to institutionalize the inclusion and involvement of community when the City seeks out federal funding. Community engagement and involvement will be first and emphasize reversing the effects of lack of investment in communities most affected by the negative impacts of racism and decisions that led to environmental and health impacts on those communities.
How Does Albuquerque Justice40 Work?
Albuquerque Justice 40 is a collaborative effort between City Departments, community-based organizations, neighborhood groups, and individuals that are working to reverse the impacts of environmental injustice and to prevent it in the future. Albuquerque Justice 40 does not award funds nor does it allocate City or Federal dollars. Instead, the OCC works to connect City Departments with the communities that will benefit from the grant programs they are applying for. In addition, community groups seeking support to address environmental or health needs will be connected with City Departments that can work to implement solutions or provide services. The Albuquerque Justice40 can also help to obtain technical assistance for local community-based organizations who are seeking to partner with the City in Justice 40 grant applications.
How do I or my group get help and get involved?
Federal agencies and City departments will rely on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) to prioritize funding allocations and applications for funding. The best place to start, is to go the tool and enter your address or the address of the area that you represent. The map uses 8 measures to determine whether the area, based on its census tracts, is considered disadvantaged. If your area is in or is near a disadvantaged area, the tool will give you some basic information like demographics and risk factors. This information will be important to help find Justice 40 funding opportunities. We would like to hear from you and learn about your community and ideas you have to address climate change, pollution, and environmental hazards. We will make an effort to respond to your request and interest within a week.
Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool
Albuquerque Justice 40 Asset Map
Who is Albuquerque Justice40?
Justice40 Oversight Coordinating Committee Members
- Richard E. Moore (Co-Chair), Co-Founder and Co-Coordinator, Los Jardines Institute
- Deanna Lynn Aquiar, Director of Programs and Development, National Indian Youth Council
- Ahtza Dawn Chavez, Executive Director, NAVA Education Project & NM Native Vote
- Michael Leon Guerrero, Sustainable Economy Policy Advisor, Center for Civic Policy
- Diana Dorn-Jones, Executive Director, United South Broadway Corporation
- Alejandría Lyons, Coalition Coordinator, New Mexico No False Solutions Coalition
- Ona Lara Porter, Founder Emerita & Clean Energy Leader, Prosperity Works
Meeting Notices
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting March 10, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting April 10, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting May 8, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting June 12, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting July 10, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting Aug. 14, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting Sept. 21, 2023 - MEETING CANCELLED
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting Nov. 13, 2023
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting Jan. 8, 2024
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting Feb. 22, 2024
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting April 18, 2024
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting June 13, 2024
Public Notice: J40 OCC Meeting September 30, 2024
Meeting Agendas
J40 OCC Agenda Sept. 21, 2023 - MEETING CANCELLED
J40 OCC Agenda September 30, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions About Albuquerque Justice 40?
What is environmental justice?
The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Committee recommended that every federal agency define disadvantaged communities, “especially where disadvantage is produced by racial discrimination and economic barriers. Impacts are changes in outcomes in the areas relevant to environmental justice, including outcomes in health, economic opportunity, food security, environmental quality, climate change, maintenance of culture, access to quality housing, energy, transportation, safe affordable drinking water and sanitation, health care, and other physical and social infrastructure.” Albuquerque Justice 40 will use the CEJST and this wider consideration as it works toward implementing the initiative locally.
How do I get funding for my project idea?
Albuquerque Justice 40 does not grant money or approve projects. Instead, there are four ways to collaborate with the City and the OCC for federal funding for projects.
- City departments and community groups jointly apply for a federal grant – Ideally departments will use the CEJST for outreach and define a need together with the community and seek funding collaboratively.
- City departments apply for a federal grant and seek direction and support from the community – Sometimes City departments are actively looking for funding for a specific proposal. The Departments will use CEJST and work with the OCC to identify disadvantaged communities to involve them and seek support.
- Community groups have grant they want to apply for and seek collaboration from a department – When you fill out the form above, you’ll hear back from the OCC and we’ll work with you to identify a contact in a Department. We will make an effort to respond to your request and interest within a week.
- Community groups apply on their own for a federal grant – Part of the job of the OCC and Albuquerque Justice 40 is to connect groups with technical assistance. If your group wants to apply alone, we can direct you to resources that can help.
Does the OCC review proposals? How do they do that?
The OCC will not approve or disapprove your efforts to organize your community or seek resources. We’re here to add value to your efforts by supporting the development of partnerships, facilitating meaningful community engagement, and locating technical assistance if we can. The goal is to support the success of your idea. Here’s the guiding questions we’ll ask about your proposal. Does the proposal support a project in a disadvantaged area identified in the CEJST?
- Is there community support for the proposal?
- Does your group have the capacity to implement a grant or will the City take the lead?
- Does your group have a history of working in the environmental justice area (see above)?
- How will the project engage the community and keep it engaged through the funding period?
- Would your group benefit from training, a fiscal agent, or technical assistance and support?
How will project ideas get funding?
Albuquerque Justice 40 doesn’t provide funding. If we partner with your group, and your proposal is successful, funding will depend on whether you partner with the City or submit a grant application on your own or with another partner. The OCC is committed to do what it can to support your efforts by making connections and helping identify technical assistance.
Will Albuquerque Justice 40 and the OCC write letters of support or officially endorse a proposal?
At this time, in order to encourage everyone’s efforts, the OCC will not endorse specific proposals. The OCC doesn’t intend to be an arbiter or gatekeeper. The value the effort will add is strengthening the influence of community on City funding and work in fulfilling the promise of the national Justice 40 initiative by putting more resources in the hands of people most impacted by environmental injustice.
What’s the best way to connect with a City department to collaborate on a project?
The best way to get started is the fill out the form with as much information as possible. If you or your group already have an established connection at the City, feel free to use that as well. This is a new initiative and in the early phases we’ll be learning along with you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
Additional Resources and Tools
From the Office of Equity and Inclusion
Equity Toolkit and Reports
Social Vulnerability Index Map of Albuquerque
From the White House
Phase 1 Environmental Justice Score Card Recommendations (Original)
Other Federal Funding Initiatives
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Guidebook