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Languages for the City Website

View the names of languages in their language.

Web Languages

When sharing info in another language, use the name of that language to link to or describe your info. Please contact the Web Team when you add content in another language so that we can add correct html markup for assistive devices. If you are comfortable with HTML, please feel free to add this code to your pages as needed. Always feel free to reach out to the web team for assistance.

Languages in English Original form HTML mark up
English English None
Spanish Español lang="es"
Vietnamese Tiếng Việt lang="vi"
Chinese (Traditional) 中文
French Français lang="fr"
Swahili kiswahili lang="sw"
Kinyarwanda Kinyarwanda lang="rw"
Farsi (Persian) فارسی lang="fa" dir="rtl"
Dari دری lang="prs" dir="rtl"
Pashto پښتو lang="ps" dir="rtl"
Korean 한국어
Portuguese Português lang="pt"
Russian Русский lang="ru"
Arabic العربية lang="ar" dir="rtl"
Japanese 日本語

Demographic Information

View the Office of Equity & Inclusion guide to collecting demographic information on all questionnaires.