Summer of Nonviolence
The community, Bernalillo County, and the City of Albuquerque are coming together to foster summer days of peace and community cohesion for our youth and families, bringing options for youth recreation, employment, volunteering, learning, socializing, and mental health support into one place.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Six Principles of Nonviolence
- Nonviolence is a Way of Life for Courageous People
- The Beloved Community is the Goal
- Attack Forces of Evil, Not Persons Doing Evil
- Accept Suffering Without Retaliation
- The Universe is on the Side of Justice
- Nonviolence Chooses Love Instead of Hate
Join Summer of Nonviolence
Youth Events All Summer
We will update this page with events across the city for teens and young adults.
- Visit ABQToDo to find events all summer long!
- Open Basketball | Week Days | Westmesa Community Center | Henry “Kiki” Saavedra Community Center
- Gaming, VR, egames, Crafts, Painting | Monday-Saturday | Public Libraries
- Art Workshops | Saturday, 1-2:30 p.m. | ABQ Museum
- X Studio where teens experiment, create, hang out, and learn | Explora X Studio teen center