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41st Annual “A Senior I Know” Essay Contest Winners Announced

Essay contest aims to foster connections between generations
May 10, 2023

Today, the Department of Senior Affairs was joined by First Lady Elizabeth Kistin Keller to celebrate the winners of the 41st Annual “A Senior I Know” Essay Contest.

Over 1,100 essays were submitted to this year’s contest, which encourages students in grades 1-5 to interview an older adult who has made a positive impact on their life and write an essay about what they learned.

“Not only does this contest encourage students to practice their writing skills, but it also highlights the importance of positive, cross-generational relationships,” said Director of Senior Affairs Anna Sanchez.

Six winners from each grade (30 total) were recognized during a celebration at Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center on Wednesday that also commemorated Older Americans Month.

“Encouraging children to learn from and interact with the older adults in their lives fosters connections that bring us together,” said First Lady Elizabeth Kistin Keller. “This type of cross-generational engagement ultimately creates a stronger Albuquerque.”  

Contest winners were chosen by the “A Senior I Know” Volunteer Committee, which includes many retired educators.

To read this year’s winning essays, click here.