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Public Safety Tax Advisory Board

Information about the City of Albuquerque's Public Safety Tax Advisory Board.

Contact Information

Lawrence Davis, Budget Officer, Department of Finance & Administration
[email protected]


View membership on this board.

Apply to Serve


The City Council finds that an ongoing review is needed to ensure that the use of the Public Safety Tax most effectively meets the needs of the City and its residents. The City Council also finds that an advisory board consisting of key City and citizen public safety stakeholders is the most appropriate vehicle to review the use of the tax, and suggest changes, if necessary, in the distribution of Public Safety Tax revenue.


The duties of the Board shall be as follows:

  1. Review the use of the Public Safety Tax revenue for the previous fiscal year.
  2. Review the distribution of revenue among the three funded City Departments and recommend changes, if necessary, to the percentage of revenue distributed, based on community conditions.
  3. Provide recommendations to the Mayor and City Council by January 1 for the proposed use of Public Safety Tax revenues for the upcoming fiscal year.

Composition of Board

There is hereby created a Public Safety Tax Advisory Board to review and recommend to the Council the use and distribution of the Public Safety Tax imposed at §4-3-8-1 et seq. ROA 1994.The Board shall consist of five members as follows:

  • One member with experience or financial expertise in crime prevention and intervention appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council
  • One member with experience or financial expertise in law enforcement appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council,
  • One member with experience or financial expertise in emergency medical services appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, and
  • Two At-Large members appointed by the City Council.

The Board shall elect a chair from its members. The term of office for members of the Board shall be for three years unless the appointment is to fill a vacancy. Each member may serve a maximum of two terms.

FY26 Public Safety Tax Advisory Board Memo

Meeting Information

Meeting day and times of the Public Safety Tax Advisory Board have not yet been set. This information will be updated here once a meeting schedule has been determined. Meetings are open to the public.

View upcoming Meetings and Agendas.




View the resolution authorizing the Public Safety Tax Advisory Board