NE Crime Stats APR 2023
NE Crime Stats APR 2023
FH Crime Stats APR 2023
NW CrimeStats APR2023
Valley Newsletter (june) 2023
Homicide List
OIS List
P&P Agenda 06-38-23.pdf
1-17 Organized Crime Unit (OCU) P&P Draft 06-28-23
2-35 (Formerly 2-29) Emergency Response Team (ERT) P&P Draft 06-28-23
2-96 (Formerly 2-36) Clandestine Drug Laboratory and Indoor Marijuana Grow Site Investigations P&P Draft 06-28-23
3-14 (Formerly 3-9 and 3-18) Supervision P&P Draft 06-28-23
3-20 (Formerly 1-11) Overtime, Compensatory Time, and Work Shift Designation P&P Draft 06-28-23
3-43 (Formerly 3-23 and 3-44) Relief of Duty P&P Draft 06-28-23
3-20 (Formerly 1-11) Overtime, Compensatory Time, and Work Shift Designation P&P Draft 06-28-23
2022 OIS List
OIS List
Edith OIS
2020 OIS List
2019 OIS List