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Case Tracking & Research

Find information about how to track and research documents in the Planning Department.

The Planning Department stores records related to cases heard by Planning Department boards and commissions. Every application that is taken in for boards and commission cases is assigned a project number and a case number.

The Planning Department's records consist of case files for the following development applications:

  • variances.
  • subdivisions.
  • certificates of appropriateness (historic preservation.
  • annexation.
  • zone changes.
  • site plans.

As of Spring 2023, we are digitizing our records and storing them in OnBase, where they will be searchable via this public portal.

Project Numbers, Case Numbers, and More (oh my!)

Over the years there have been various systems that Planning has used to store case files, creating a variety of numbering systems. We have case files ranging from microfiche, hard copy files, to electronic files.

  • Prior to 1999, applications were assigned project numbers starting with letter prefixes.
    • AX Numbers – Old EPC files
    • Z Numbers – Old EPC files
    • ZA Numbers – Old ZHE files
    • DRB Numbers – Old DRB files
    • S, V, SV, SP, SPR, SC5 Numbers – Old DRB files
  • From 1999 to 2008, we stored cases electronically in an application database called Cognos, which created seven-digit project numbers starting with 100XXXX, which were assigned to a location, and a case number, which indicated the type of decision requested in an application. 
  • From 2008 to 2018, we stored cases electronically in an application database called Kiva, which continued to use the seven-digit project numbers starting with 100XXXX, along with case numbers that indicated the type of decision requested in an application.
  • As of May 2018, we use a system called POSSE/MESA that creates project numbers with prefixes of PR, then the year, then a number assigned to a location, and case numbers, which indicate the type of decision requested in an application.

Online Research

You can look up project numbers for properties using the Advanced Map Viewer and turning on the "Case History" layer. You can navigate to your property using the map tools or doing an address search. (The "Case Tracking" layer includes current case numbers from applications under review.)

Once you have located your property you can use the “Identify” button to bring up specifics about your property.

  • Project numbers with beginning with PR are more recent cases. Clicking on the project number on the results tab will bring up more information about the application.
    • Case files with 7-digit project numbers can be looked up using Cognos.
    • Case files with PR project numbers can be looked up using ABQ-PLAN.
      • To track Code Enforcement complaints contact 311
      • Visit ABQ-PLAN to track a building permit 
  • The majority of project numbers that start with prefixes of Z, ZA, DRB, S, SV or V are older cases only available on microfilm. We are getting these scanned into OnBase as of Spring 2023. In the meantime, see Records Request below.

Many case files, including Certificates of Occupancy, can be researched online.

Records Request

Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) Requests

To request a microfilm file, please make a records request from the City Clerk.