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Park Pop-up Logo Park Pop-up Logo

The logo for the Park Pop-up initiative. It has the text "park pop-up" in fun, bright yellow lettering outlined in black. Above it in a comic book style explosion bubble are icons making up a typical park, including a slide, a tree, and a bike. The explosion bubble is surrounded by stylized 5-pointed stars in the same bright yellow. At the bottom of the logo are five icons featuring different ideas for park pop-up events like music, food, reading, art, and sports.

JD Nash Band JD Nash Band

A singer and two guitar players perform under and Open Space canopy.

Recycleman Drum Lesson Recycleman Drum Lesson

A group of youth and adults sit on buckets in a park banging on drums during a free lesson.

New Water Fountains New Water Fountains

Mayor Keller takes a drink from new water fountain and Parks and Recreation Department Director Dave Simon fills his water bottle.