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Local Funding Sources

One of the best places to begin researching potential funders is in your home community.
April 06, 2018

This is the eighth article in a series on grant writing. Read the introduction to the series.

Many local funders are deeply committed to bettering their communities and direct their financial resources to causes that are tied to specific local needs. Local funders are more likely to give to small organizations with a local focus than are national funders who often seek to fund projects with a larger geographic reach. Local foundations are often open to developing longer-term relationships. You may also have the opportunity to participate in a more hands-on approach to grantmaking, with face-to-face meetings and occasional site visits.

In-Kind and Sponsorship Opportunities

Another potential funding option for your neighborhood association is to consider exploring partnerships with local corporations for your project. Local corporations may be open to providing in-kind donations (e.g., food for your event) or sponsorship funding (e.g., funding in exchange for recognition on program materials, usually through tiered sponsorship levels or for specific events). Unlike grants, sponsorships often do not require the applicant to have a tax-exempt, nonprofit status to apply. The best place to start looking for sponsorship support is in your own backyard; approach businesses that may have ties to your neighborhood or that are located nearby. Also consider the type of support you are requesting and align the need to the corporation that you will approach (e.g., if seeking support for food at an event, check with your local grocery store).

Existing Local Funding Sources

Below is a list of potential funders that may support your neighborhood organization either through grants or sponsorships. While not exhaustive, this list may give you a good idea about the types of programs that are available. Remember when reviewing this list that grants generally require the applicant to have a tax-exempt, nonprofit status or apply through a fiscal sponsor, while sponsorships often do not require tax-exempt status. Inclusion in this list does not mean that a potential funder will be willing to provide funds for your program.

Funder Website Description
Bank of Albuquerque

Bank of Albuquerque, through the BOKF Foundation, provides a variety of financial and in-kind contributions to organizations. Charitable giving has a focus on economic development, supporting actions that promote the standard of living and economic health of the community, making it a better place to live and setting the foundation for businesses to thrive.

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Bank of America has a focus on Building Vibrant Communities with grants targeting revitalization efforts that take a holistic approach to building thriving communities, creating economic opportunity, and creating livable neighborhoods.

Bernalillo County: Neighborhood Outreach Grant Program

The Neighborhood Outreach Grant Program was created to assist neighborhood groups to continue their participation and outreach to residents of Bernalillo County. Larger projects (over $3,000) require that neighborhood organizations apply through a fiscal sponsor.

Century Bank Community Donations

Century Bank provides donations or sponsorships to promote community development.

Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation

Lowe's Community Partner grants build better communities by providing monetary assistance to nonprofit organizations and municipalities looking for support of high-need projects such as building renovations/upgrades, grounds improvements, technology upgrades, and safety improvements.

McCune Charitable Foundation

The McCune Foundation has a focus on influencing urban planning and built environments. Built environment refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply or energy networks.

New Mexico Resiliency Alliance

The Resilient Communities Fund will support community development projects. One focus is on resilient community initiatives, which will support projects that enhance resilience and economic prosperity for residents in underserved communities.

Nusenda Foundation

Nusenda Foundation’s mission is to create stronger communities where Nusenda Credit Union members live and work through collaborative partnerships and by investing in innovative solutions to improve education, health, social, and economic outcomes. It also has a focus on supporting organizations that provide for community services and support. Nusenda provides grants and sponsorships.

PNM Resources Foundation

PNM’s New Century of Service Grants support organizations that: 1) innovate or sustain programs and services to grow and develop businesses; 2) create or sustain collaborative community spaces for public use; and 3) provide educational opportunities supporting economic development. 

Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence

The Rudy Bruner Award is a national urban design award that seeks to promote innovative thinking about the built environment and advance conversation about making cities better. The award discovers and celebrates urban places that are distinguished by quality design along with their social and economic contributions to the nation’s cities. Urban environment is broadly defined to include cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, counties and/or regions.

Southwest Capital Bank

Southwest Capital Bank seeks to positively impact low-and-moderate income populations through initiatives focused on alleviating symptoms of poverty in central and northern New Mexico. The Bank provides grants and sponsorships and includes focus areas on economic development and revitalization. 

State Farm Insurance: Good Neighbor Citizenship Company Grants

State Farm’s community development grants strive to maintain vibrant communities by assisting nonprofits that support affordable housing, first-time homeowners, neighborhood revitalization, financial literacy, job training, and small business development.

State Farm Insurance: Neighborhood Assist

State Farm Neighborhood Assist awards grants to causes that will help improve their neighborhoods in one of three areas: education, safety, or community development.

Washington Federal

Washington Federal Foundation has a housing and community development focus that supports projects designed to build stronger communities that provide affordable housing, access to quality healthcare, and a vibrant environment for job growth. It also assists with event sponsorships.