Justice40 Oversight Coordinating Committee Meeting 2.22.24
The City’s Executive Order for Equitable and Just Implementation of Justice40 created the Albuquerque Justice40 Oversight Coordinating Committee (J40 OCC) in March of 2023. Since then, the OCC has been meeting since then to address issues of environmental justice and to engage with the community as the City implements efforts to connect neighborhoods and community priorities with agencies as they consider applying for funding from the federal government. The next meeting of the OCC will be held on February 22, 2024 from 2:00 pm-4:00pm at City Hall. More information about the work of Albuquerque Justice 40 and the OCC can be found online at https://www.cabq.gov/office-of-equity-inclusion/justice40-oversight-coordinating-committee
OED J40 OCC meeting 2.22.24.docx — 13.7 KB