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Office of Black Community Engagement


Sawubona is the Zulu greeting meaning, "We see you."

The Office of Black Community Engagement is here to assist you with needs specific to the African American Community and to our allies in building a more racially equitable Albuquerque. If you would like to request a workshop or consultation please fill our Request Survey. Due to high volume of requests, please allow up to 72 hours for response.   

Steps we're taking to begin to close the racial wealth gap in Albuquerque:

  • Lower Unemployment Rate (8.9% State of NM 15.7% in Albuquerque)
    1. Early Involvement – pathway programs in STEM fields, trades & health careers through mentorship
    2. Career Experience / Training through paid internships and job shadowing and mentorship
    3. Career Development – database to share talent for succession planning and community information exchange systems and Black business social groups

  • Increase Homeownership Rates among 18-45yr old’s (34%)
    1. Develop a Financial Literacy Program for Homeownership
    2. Pathway program for Appraisers, Escrow and Brokers, etc.
    3. Plan a meeting with Black business owners in construction industry with CABQ departments that handle housing/construction. (Planning, MRA, FCS and Aviation)
  • Increase HS Graduation Rates (59.2% for Black APS Students & 24% at UNM)
    1. Fund and Design Mentorship Programs for Youth identified by Early warning Indicators (E.W.I), children with Incarnated family members, in foster care systems and Juvenile Justice Systems.;
    2. Fund and Design Culturally Relevant Financial Literacy Program;
    3. Fund and Design Culturally Relevant Proficiency projects for Reading, Math and Science;