The 2007 Hazard Mitigation Plan is a community driven, living document that the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County use to reduce vulnerability to hazards.
Hazard Mitigation
State of New Mexico's Hazard Mitigation Plan (2013)
FEMA How To Guide #1, Getting Starting: Building Support for Mitigation Planning
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000
FEMA How-To Guide #6, Integrating Historic Property and Cultural Resource Considerations into Hazard Mitigation Planning
FEMA How-To Guide #2, Understanding Your Risks: Identifying Hazards and Estimating Losses
FEMA How-To Guide #3, Developing the Mitigation Plan: Identifying Mitigation Actions and Implementation Strategies
FEMA How-To Guide #5, Using Benefit-Cost Review in Mitigation Planning
FEMA How-To Guide #4, Bringing the Plan To Life: Implementing the Hazard Mitigation Plan
FEMA How-To Guide #7, Integrating Manmade Hazards into Mitigation Planning
FEMA How-To Guide #8, Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Planning State and Local
FEMA How-To Guide #9, Using the Hazard Mitigation Plan to Prepare Successful Mitigation Projects
Planning for a Sustainable Future
Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Handbook
Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines
44CFR Interim Rule