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Neighborhood Traffic Management Program

Addressing speeding and cut-through traffic on local residential streets.

Submit a Request for Traffic Calming

The first step in the process is to submit an application via the City's web form:

View the Traffic Calming web form.

If you would prefer to submit your application in writing, please contact the Traffic Engineering Division for a blank form.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • US Mail:
    Attn. Traffic Engineering Division, NTMP Request
    City of Albuquerque
    PO Box 1293
    Albuquerque, NM 87103

Pending Traffic Calming Requests

View a map of Albuquerque's current traffic calming requests.

Questions? Call 311.

Completed Studies

View Studies.

Public Meetings

Ventura St Public Meeting

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center

7521 Carmel Ave NE

January 27, 2025

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


What is the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program?

This website provides information about the City of Albuquerque's Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP). The goal of this program is to address speeding and cut-through traffic on local residential streets using a set of traffic-calming tools. These include physical tools, such as lane narrowing, turn restrictions, and curb bulb-outs, as well as non-physical tools like radar speed signs and targeted enforcement.

This website also houses the NTMP Policy Manual, adopted by the City Council in October, 2020. This manual outlines the process by which neighborhoods may request traffic calming, establishes the criteria for determining applicability and appropriate measures, and the toolkit of traffic calming strategies.

Download the entire NTMP Policy Manual.

Traffic Calming Procedure

Requests for traffic calming follow the process described in detail in the NTMP Policy Manual linked above. Put simply, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Any City resident can apply on behalf of their street.
  2. There must be seven supporting residents, from separate homes on the street, included on the application.
  3. Traffic Engineering Division assesses whether the street segment meets the Minimum Guidance Thresholds established in the NTMP Initial Assessment:

Initial Assessment for NTMP Requests

This process will be evaluated by a City of Albuquerque (COA) Engineer in order to determine if the request will meet preliminary criteria as described in the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) document. This will assist in prioritizing projects. The proposed process for the NTMP is as follows:

  1. Any roadway that is greater than a collector roadway will be automatically denied by the online application system for traffic calming. Classifications of roadways are determined by the COA’s planning department and MRCOG.
    View a map of emergency routes and ineligible roadways.
  2. Requested streets must have at least 40% of their length fronted by homes. Streets that border only back yards do not qualify.
  3. The application for traffic calming must include residents from at least seven different homes on the requested street. This information must be provided to ensure the neighborhood is in agreeance for new traffic calming measure.
  4. A hard copy of the application can be found here. This can be mailed to:

City of Albuquerque
Traffic Engineering Division
Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
PO Box 1293
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87103