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What to expect when contacted by a member of the OIG Investagative Staff

OIG investigations, including interviews, are conducted in accordance with the Association of Inspectors General Green Book Standards. We do not follow auditing standards for investigations.

You may be contacted by an Investigator during the preliminary inquiry phase and asked general questions related to processes, procedures, general events, and department dynamics.

Before the Interview –

  • If you are contacted for an interview, you will be notified that an investigation is being conducted and that you have been identified as a witness or subject.
  • To protect the integrity of the investigation, you may not be advised of the nature of the investigation until your actual interview, unless authorized by the Inspector General or otherwise required by a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • We will make reasonable accommodations in scheduling your interview to provide the least amount of disruption to your work schedule.
  • We may or may not contact your manager/higher supervisory authority to assist us in scheduling your interview.

During the interview –

  • Interviews may be conducted under oath and all interviews will be recorded.
  • All interviewees will be re-advised as to whether they have been identified as a witness or a subject of the investigation.
  • All interviewees will be advised of the pertinent allegations for which they are witnesses or subjects.
  • All interviewees will be advised of their right to provide a voluntary, handwritten, sworn statement.
  • If you are subject to a Collective Bargaining Agreement, we will be knowledgeable of, and abide by such agreement.
  • You, as the interviewee, have the sole right to determine whether or not you wish to have your Union Representative or personal Legal Representative present during the No other persons will be permitted.
  • If you choose to have your Union Representative or personal Legal Representative present during your interview, you and/or your representative should understand that their role is to observe, rather than participate during the interview, but that your representative is authorized to advise or assist you.
  • If you are the subject of a criminal allegation, your Garrity Rights will be explained to you before questioning, and you will be allowed to waive such rights or immediately end the interview (Garrity v New Jersey, 1967)
  • Any action or attempted action to impede, interfere, or obstruct an investigation may be a violation of 1-1-99 ROA 1994 which states “Any person who violates any provision of this code for which another penalty is not specifically provided shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or both unless a different specific penalty is provided. Each separate violation shall constitute a separate offense and, upon conviction, each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.”

After the Interview –

  • To preserve the integrity of the investigation, you will be advised that our investigations are confidential and asked not to discuss the interview, or the nature of the investigation, with any other persons.
  • All interviewees will be allowed to provide a voluntary, handwritten, sworn statement.
  • If you are the subject of an investigation, you will have five (5) calendar days from the date of your interview to provide additional Evidence submitted after the five (5) calendar days may not be accepted by the OIG.
  • Upon investigation completion, the OIG will provide the finding(s) to the Department Director or Appropriate Administrator for review and to provide management responses to the OIG within fourteen (14) calendar Responses submitted after fourteen (14) days may not be included in the final report.
  • Responses will be reviewed and a determination will be made as to whether or not any further investigative activity and/or changes to the final report are warranted.
  • The OIG may include a rebuttal to your comments in the final report.



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Albuquerque, NM 87103