Federal Funding
The City of Albuquerque receives four types of grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which are administered to sub-recipients by the Health, Housing & Homelessness Department.
Grant funds are awarded to partnering agencies on an annual competitive basis to implement activities which meet the eligible criteria as established by HUD and the goals and objectives as defined in the City’s Consolidated Plan. Non-profit Organizations are encouraged to apply for funds to serve low-income and moderate-income clients as defined by HUD income guidelines.
The Emergency Solutions Grant program provides funds to help improve the quality of existing emergency shelters for the homeless, create new shelters or help prevent homelessness.
The Continuum of Care is a coordinated approach to address homelessness through housing and supportive services. The CoC programs provide permanent housing and case management for homeless people with mental health and/or substance abuse issues, transitional housing and case management for homeless families, and day care services and case management for homeless children.
The Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds expand the supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for low-income persons. The HOME budget includes housing rehabilitation, down payment assistance, and affordable housing development.
Community Development Block Grants supports community development activities to build stronger and more resilient communities which can include housing, infrastructure, economic development, public facilities, and more.
See the HUD Consolidated Plan and Amendments
Browse Available Funding Opportunities on our RFP Page
CABQ Boards and Commissions
There are seven appointed bodies related to Health, Housing & Homelessness. Each appointed body posts minutes and agendas for every meeting.
Other Reports
Other public reports can be found on the reports page