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Gateway Family

Gateway Family is a more appropriate space for families experiencing homelessness.

What is Gateway Family? 

Gateway Family serves about 65 families at a one time, providing a safe place to stay and connect to school and early childhood services for around 120 children at any given time.

Families typically stay, on average, 90 days and work with onsite case managers toward housing and employment. 

The City contracts with Heading Home, which operates Family Gateway. 

Weekly collaborative consultations are held between the City, provider agencies, specialty courts, and the APS Title l McKinley-Vento Program. These crucial consultations are held to match families to the housing option that best fits their needs. 

Photo of Santa and the Grinch with children at Gateway Family Photo of kid sitting at table coloring


Gateway Family is at an undisclosed location to protect the privacy of families. 

Referral process

Referrals are made through partner agencies.

Volunteer and Donate

Photo of volunteer serving Posole at Gateway Family Christmas PartyPhoto of cookie monster trunk or treat stationThere are several volunteer opportunities at Gateway Family throughout the year. 

Follow the two simple steps below:

  1. Create your account at
  2. Visit the HHH Volunteer Program page to sign up to volunteer at a number of events.

To donate, fill out the HHH Donations Form

A member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a drop-off time and location.