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ADAPT Program

Information about the Abandoned and Dilapidated Abatement Property Team (ADAPT) Program.

What is ADAPT?

ADAPT is a program in the Fire Marshal's Office that focuses on abandoned and dilapidated properties that have a pattern of serious criminal activity or pose an immediate public safety threat. The program also works with owners of properties that have been identified as having fire or code enforcement violations and are a HOT SPOT for criminal activity. The program is housed out of the Plaza del Sol building, 600 2nd St, NW, on the 5th floor.

Primary Properties

Abandoned, dilapidated, undeveloped, vacant and occupied properties that are HOT SPOTS for Criminal Activity.

How do I refer a property that might be eligible for ADAPT?

How are properties selected to the ADAPT program?

Utilizing the ArcGIS mapping system, ADAPT will compile and filter information from the data systems of Albuquerque Fire Rescue, Albuquerque Police Department, the Code Enforcement Division of the Planning Department, 311, and other referrals. ADAPT will assign a point value to each specific response type based on the severity. Properties will be in four sub- categories:

  • Residential
  • Multifamily
  • Non Residential
  • Undeveloped

Each category will have a different point value threshold that will be considered critical. This point system will be a fair and equitable way to help identify criminal nuisance properties that will be placed into the ADAPT program.

What does ADAPT do with the properties that meet the criteria?

ADAPT will lead a full inspection of the property with other City departments. The first step will be to attempt to work with property owners to clearly identify the source of the criminal activity, and to assist in establishing a plan of action to correct any violations and to improve the property. If the owner cannot improve the property or fails to meet the plan of action goals, ADAPT will move to legal action.

What if the property does not meet the ADAPT criteria?

Nuisance properties that do not rise to the level of the ADAPT program will be referred to the Code Enforcement Division of the Planning Department to address the deficiencies or problems affecting it. Suspected criminal activity may also be referred to APD.