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Gateway Center

Learn about the City's Gateway Center

The City acquired the 572,000 square foot former hospital in April 2021. The Gateway Center hosts tenant organizations providing medical, behavioral health, and social services. The City is building out the campus to add additional health resources for the community as well as centrally located overnight beds and wraparound services to connect people with the help they need on their pathway to housing. 

 Timeline Information Community Input Archive

City Build Out: Five New Services 

Download the Gateway Center one-page overview

Gateway services are by service provider referral. Contact operator Heading Home at 505-537-8588 for questions about shelter intake. 

Service Description Outcome Estimated Yearly Impact
Housing Navigation Low, barrier, trauma-informed overnight beds for transition to housing Successful exit to safe, stable housing and a plan for ongoing support 1000 individuals 
Engagement Center Easy access to services needed for case management, job searching, and other supportive services  Supports needed for a successful exit to safe, stable housing  1000 individuals 
Receiving Area for first responders Low-acuity, 24/7 connection point to shelter, housing, other services Provide a non-medical place for ACS and First Responders to take people in need  1,500 connections/ transports to needed services
Medical Sobering Low-acuity, medical monitoring to gain sobriety; Complement to CARES Campus Divert individuals from emergency departments and incarceration 17,000+ overnight stays
Medical Respite Overnight patient-centered medical care and necessary social services and supports.  Reduce avoidable emergency department usage and potential re-admissions; connect individuals to permanent supportive housing 320 individuals

Stay up to date on what's going on in the neighborhoods near the Gateway Center


Gateway Center is home to 9 tenants, including three accredited hospitals


AMG Specialty HospitalExternal Link Disclaimer

AMG - Boutique hospital and medical care.

Haven Behavioral HospitalExternal Link Disclaimer

Haven Behavioral Hospital - In-patient and out-patient behavioral health.

Turquoise Lodge HospitalExternal Link Disclaimer

Turquoise Lodge Hospital - (State) Substance use disorder treatment and detox.

Fresenius Kidney CareExternal Link Disclaimer

Fresenius Medical Care - Kidney Care

Zia Health ManagementExternal Link DisclaimerZia Health Management LLC - In-home medical care

National Alliance on Mental IllnessExternal Link Disclaimer

National Alliance on Mental Illness - Mental illness advocacy and education 

Heading HomeExternal Link Disclaimer

Heading Home - Housing navigation and case management services.

Vizionz-SankofaExternal Link Disclaimer

Vizionz-Sankofa - Resource center for immigrant and refugee families

Ideal opions logoExternal Link Disclaimer

Ideal Option - Outpatient substance use disorder treatment

Floor Plan 

A floor plan of the second floor of the Gibson Health Hub with colored areas showing where each Gateway Center service will be located, along with a general indication of where on the other floors the existing tenants are occupied


The City is building Gateway in stages, with the first services online now and all five services built out by Winter, 2024.

  • The Housing Navigation Center is complete and has begun serving clients. As the program ramps up, services will expand.
  • Partner organizations are currently offering services through the Engagement Center. 
  • The Receiving Area for First Responders will open in June 2024. 
  • Medical Sobering Center is under construction and will open in Fall 2024. 
  • Medical Respite will come on line in Winter 2024. 
Take a virtual tour to see the construction progress as of early March, 2023

How Did We Get to These Services?

Community Input Meetings

 Research the City has Conducted

Research by Other Institutions