Family-Owned Business Grants
Family-Owned Businesses means: A business in which the majority of ownership or control lies within a family.
Family-Owned Business
- Business must be registered, have their place of incorporation, and be physically located within the Albuquerque city limits.
- Business must have been in operation on or before July 15, 2021.
- Business must have no unpaid code enforcement liens or be in violation of any state, federal, or local laws.
- Business must have 50 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. (Two part-time employees will count as one full-time). An employer may use their off-season employee count.
Documents Required:
For-Profit Entities:
Sole-Proprietor/Single Member LLC:
- New Mexico Business Tax Identification Number documentation, also known as New Mexico Combined Report System (CRS)
- Current City of Albuquerque business registration
- City of Albuquerque modified W9
LLC, Partnership, S-Corp, and Corporation:
- Full 2020 Tax Returns (or 2019 Tax Returns with 2020 extension) including Schedule C or Schedule K-1
- New Mexico Business Tax Identification Number documentation, also known as New Mexico Combined Report System (CRS)
- Current City of Albuquerque business registration
- City of Albuquerque modified W9
Non-Profit Entities:
- Current City of Albuquerque business registration
- City of Albuquerque modified W9
- Articles of Incorporation
- State Tax Exemption Documentation or Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Determination or Affirmation Letter of 501(c)(3) status
- *if entity started before December 31, 2020: 2020 IRS Form 990 or 2019 IRS Form 990 with extension. 990 exempt non-profit organizations such as churches do not need to submit this form.
Sample Documents:
NM CRS documentation
Used to demonstrate business meets NM Tax & Revenue requirements.
To request a copy of a CRS Certificate please call the NM TAP call center at 1-866-285-2996 or email [email protected] and request a CRS Registration Certificate.
You may also print out a certificate via the online portal TAP at
Current City of Albuquerque business registration
Used to determine business is within City limits and registration is up to date with the City of Albuquerque.
To update or request a copy of you City of Albuquerque business registration please email [email protected]
City of Albuquerque modified W9
Used to properly administer grant funds. Can be located at this link.
What is the City of Albuquerque Small Business and Entrepreneurial Recovery Grant?
The City of Albuquerque Economic Development Department and the Small Business Office have created a new recovery grant program covering the following categories:
- Family-Owned Business Grants
- Mainstreet Business Grants
- Hotels & Public Safety Grants
- Arts & Entertainment Business Grants
- Youth & Education Grants
- Entrepreneurial & Start-Up Grants
The program's mission will be to stimulate local economic activity, and growth for Albuquerque’s economy, with $7.5 million provided by the American Rescue Plan Act, through one-time grants in the amount of $10,000.
When can small businesses apply for the grant?
City of Albuquerque small businesses can apply for the grant beginning August 4, 2021, at 10 a.m. Applications will remain open until grants are fully subscribed.
How will the program be funded?
The program will be funded by utilizing $7.5 million of the City’s allocated American Rescue Plan Act funds.
How much can a small business receive through this program?
One-time grants will be available to small businesses located in the City of Albuquerque in the amount of $10,000. An applicant may apply for more than one grant if the businesses meet criteria for multiple grant categories, but only one grant will be awarded per applicant.
If I received other relief grant funding, can I still qualify for the ARPA funding grants?
How can a small business use the grant fund?
The program will offer one-time grants of $10,000 to qualifying small businesses to cover operating expenses, payroll, permitting, business equipment purchases, business mortgage obligations, business rent, lease payments, surveillance and security improvements, and utility expenditures. For Hotel & Public Safety Grants may be used for safety and security improvements, such as fencing, security cameras, and secure access.
The grant cannot be used for back-owed taxes, liens, or unpaid code enforcement fines.
How will the Economic Development Department choose which businesses receive funding among those that qualify?
Upon successful completion of the application, the grantees will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis unless the grants are oversubscribed. The City of Albuquerque Economic Development Department reserves the right to change the program process as it sees fit. Operating expenses do not include back-owed taxes, liens, or unpaid code enforcement fines.
Are there any businesses not eligible to apply for this grant?
Ineligible businesses include:
- Businesses with more than 50 full-time (or equivalent) employees (two part-time employees count as one)
- Businesses located outside the City of Albuquerque
- Businesses without a current business registration with the City of Albuquerque, and business that were in operation after July 15, 2021
- Businesses that sell, produce, manufacture, or distribute any marijuana or cannabis products are not eligible for the grant program
What happens after an application is turned in?
Once an application is turned in, it will enter an internal review process. Grant Officers will be working with businesses, checking the application for eligibility, and document verification. Once complete, it will enter a secondary review for final decision.
If you have additional questions or need assistance with your grant application, please email [email protected] or call 505-768-3270.