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City Council Passes Resolution to Provide Day Labor Opportunities

Resolution (R-24-41) funds and establishes a pilot program to offer day labor for unhoused individuals.
June 03, 2024

ALBUQUERQUE – City Councilors passed a resolution (R-24-41) that creates and funds a pilot program to provide day labor opportunities for the unsheltered in our community. The pilot is for FY 2025. The measure takes its cue from the City’s old “There’s a Better Way” program that provided nearly 7,000 jobs between 2015 and 2018. The Council wants to promote collaboration between local government, community organizations, and businesses to help in the cause.

"Day labor can bring back the dignity of work for people who are not ready for the demands of a steady job," said Council Vice-President Renee Grout. "There will always be a need for workers who are willing and able to beautify our city, and this is a way for people to improve our community and feel a sense of pride in a job well done."

Both Councilor Grout and the resolution’s co-sponsor, District 8 Councilor Dan Champine believe that integrating the unhoused into a day labor program could offer them a pathway toward financial stability and ultimately break the cycle of homelessness. Day labor programs often offer support services, job training, access to resources, and connections to needed social services. While many face hardships and barriers to stable employment, a day labor program can empower them by providing a source of income and valuable skills.

“Gainful and stable employment can improve an individual’s outlook on life,” Councilor Champine said. “This program can help them rebuild their lives and improve their self-esteem and become self-sufficient.”

The City’s new Health, Housing and Homelessness Department (HHH) is directed to create the pilot program and budget to Council for approval within 60 days. HHH will be responsible for convening a group to meet bi-monthly to review the progress of the program. The group will include:
• A representative from HHH
• A representative from each City Department and outside employers that employ the program’s workers
• A representative from Albuquerque City Council
• A representative for any contractors utilized to operate the program