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City Council Proclamation Honors Peacemaking and Whistleblowing

Councilors Fiebelkorn, Benton, and Davis honor the work and sacrifices of Daniel Ellsberg.

April 20, 2023 

Albuquerque, NM - City Councilors Tammy Fiebelkorn, District 7, Isaac Benton, District 2, and Pat Davis, District 6, are highlighting the bravery of whistleblowers by proclaiming the week of April 24th-30th 2023, as Daniel Ellsberg Week for the City of Albuquerque.

“Ellsberg was a true hero for the American people when he revealed the Pentagon Papers, risking life in prison, to enlighten the public about government corruption,” says Councilor Benton. “We should always remember whistleblowers and the courage it takes to stand for what is right.”

The proclamation highlight’s Ellsberg’s critical role in revealing the illegal activities the U.S. participated in relative to the Vietnam War, who copied the 7,000-page study, known as the Pentagon Papers, and distributed it to members of the Senate, as well as the media, including the New York Times and the Washington Post. He was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917 along with theft and conspiracy, a total maximum sentence of 115 years, but charges were dismissed and the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the newspapers’ right to publish articles about the papers.

“The actions of Daniel Ellsberg helped end the war in Vietnam and encourages others to come forward if they witness nefarious actions within our own system of government. This proclamation serves as a reminder that whistleblowers are protected and commended for their fortitude,” stated Councilor Davis.

Ellsberg continued his work as a strong advocate for anti-war activism. He continues to support American whistleblowers and the end of nuclear weaponry.

“Daniel Ellsberg gave power back to the people. Honoring him is honoring our collective strength to combat corruption and ensure government accountability,” declared Councilor Fiebelkorn.

The proclamation will be presented to the Progressive Democrats of America- Central New Mexico at the opening of The Vegan Village, an event sponsored by Councilor Fiebelkorn, on Saturday, April 22 at 4:30pm.

WHAT: Daniel Ellsberg Week Proclamation Presentation

WHEN: Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 4:30 PM

WHERE: Vegan Village at ABQ Collective, 1321 Eubank Blvd NE