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Menaul Boulevard Redevelopment Area

This effort is to support the redevelopment and ongoing economic development of the Menaul Boulevard area.

Aerial photo with designated boundaries for the Menaul Metropolitan Redevelopment Area.

Menaul Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan

The Menaul MRA supports the redevelopment and ongoing economic development of the Menaul Boulevard area. The boundaries of the Menaul MR area and the Menaul MRA Designation Report were adopted by City Council on May 16, 2022, and the MR Area plan for Menaul was adopted on May 1st, 2023. The plan used the work from the Menaul Redevelopment Study (2021) and the Menaul Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Designation Report as starting points for developing recommendations to support the redevelopment and revitalization of the Menaul area. The project team met with the community on August 11th 2022 and November 29th 2022. At the August 11th meeting the project team took feedback for inclusion in the proposed plan. At the November 29th meeting the initial draft of the plan was presented to the public. The feedback from the community was incorporated into the plan after both meetings. The adopted plan incorporated edits and recommendations from the community throughout the drafting and adoption process.

Review the final Menaul MRA Plan.

The Menaul MRA Plan seeks to further the following Vision:

“The Menaul Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is a vibrant, walkable business district for hotel guests, workers, and residents alike. A rebirth of the area has occurred as new businesses - commercial retail and services, hospitality, and restaurants - have sprung up along the corridor and existing businesses continue to invest and take great pride in their properties. The area features a coordinated system of streets, sidewalks, multi-use trails, and transit services that provide connections to the larger Albuquerque community and encourage transit-oriented development.”

See below for the materials associated with these two meetings:

The adopting bill, R-22-92, includes the proposed MRA Plan. The MR plan will be going through the following steps in the adoption process:

  • January 4, 2023 - R-22-92 on Letter of Introduction and referral to ADC
  • ADC – Review and Recommendation

Menaul Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Designation Report

In response to the Menaul Redevelopment Study, the Menaul Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Designation Report was introduced on December 6thR-21-230. This designation report established the boundary and the findings of blight for the area.  This is not the MRA plan for the area; that plan will come once the boundaries are established, per the New Mexico MRA Code. This report focuses in more detail on the issues of blight as identified by the Menaul Redevelopment Study. The bill and report went through the following steps in the adoption process:  

  • Letter of Intro and referral to ADC – December 6, 2021
  • Community meeting – Tuesday, January 25, 2022  Meeting materials below.
  • ADC – Review and recommendation – Thursday, February 17, 2022
  • LUPZ – Review – Wednesday, April 13, 2022
  • City Council – Review and Approval – Monday, May 16, 2022

Menaul Redevelopment Study: 2021

The Menaul Redevelopment Study was presented to the community on September 14th, 2021. The comments received have been incorporated into the study. A resolution adopting the Menaul Redevelopment Study was introduced to the City Council, and was adopted by the City Council in November, 2021.  

Menaul MRA Market Study: 2024

The Menaul Market Study, completed in August 2024, was conducted to assess the market potential of the Menaul MRA. The study analyzed real estate performance and trends in the multifamily, hotel, industrial, office, and commercial sectors, as well as land use and zoning. Key findings include:

  1. The lack of housing in the area presents a significant opportunity, especially given the housing shortage in the Albuquerque metro.
  2. While industrial uses are performing well, no new industrial development has occurred in the MRA in the past decade, with this market shifting to other areas of the city and great metro.
  3. The MRA is not an active office submarket and is unlikely to attract new office development.
  4. The hospitality sector is struggling, with lower average daily rates compared to the citywide average. Reducing the number of hotels could help increase rates for the remaining properties in the area.

These insights provide a foundation for future redevelopment strategies aimed at revitalizing the Menaul MRA.

The full study is available here: Menaul Market Study


The Menaul Boulevard corridor is characterized by its important role within the economy of Albuquerque. The area is well located and central to the city with access to both Interstate 40 (I40) and Interstate 25 (I25) and in close proximity to the rail lines and the airport. There are stable and well-established neighborhoods to the north. Menaul is home to many locally owned small businesses that provide retail, dining options, and other services, as well as larger retail and hospitality chains. Generally, the retail and service business are located along Menaul, with hotels located in proximity to I25 and I40. Generally, light industrial and storage uses are located between Menaul and I40, and between Menaul, Candelaria, I25 and the North Diversion channel. While this is a very important area for supporting Albuquerque’s economic development, it is also an area that has problems with crime, and vacant or under-utilized buildings. The purpose of this project is to support the redevelopment and ongoing economic development of the Menaul Boulevard area. The area that this report will be focusing on are all of the non-residential properties in the area bounded by I25 (west), Candelaria (north), San Mateo (east), and I40 (south).

View the 2025 Capital Outlay Request One Pager

Public Meetings

First Public Meeting

On May 20, 2021 City Councilor Diane Gibson held the first community meeting on this project. The meeting was held online. At this meeting, the consultant, Consensus Planning, provided a short presentation on some of the existing conditions they have noted so far, presented some early data on a business survey, and conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis with the attendees.

The meeting materials are available here:

Second Public Meeting

On September 14th, 2021 City Councilor Diane Gibson held the second public meeting. This meeting was also held online. At this meeting, the consultant Consensus Planning, provided a presentation on the draft study, including the results of the study and recommendations for subsequent phases of the project, including those that can be addressed by direct City action and those that would benefit from redevelopment under a public/private partnership. Public comment was taken at the meeting, and the public is encouraged to submit comments on this draft plan through September 28th, 2021. See above.

The meeting materials are available:

Third Public Meeting

On January 25, 2022, City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn held the third public meeting.

The meeting materials are available

Fourth Public Meeting

On February 20, 2025, Council Planning staff met with area property and business owners to present the findings of the Menaul MRA Market Study and discuss the potential rezoning of properties to align with the Menaul MRA Plan’s vision. Key zoning issues were identified, particularly the limitations of the current NR-LM and NR-C zones. The project team proposed rezoning to MX-M or MX-H to encourage mixed-use development. This meeting served as a kickoff for ongoing discussions, with the goal of a large-scale rezone of multiple properties to advance the Menaul MRA Plan.

The meeting materials are available:

  • Public Meeting Presentation
  • Public Meeting Minutes

Site and Surroundings

Menaul BLVD area – I-25 East to the North Diversion Channel, I-40 North to Phoenix Ave

View link to the Capital Improvements Request One Pager