Agenda for the PDV Steering Committee Meeting on 11/12/13
Agenda for the PDV Steering Committee Meeting on 11/12/13
Sample Resolution for the PDV Steering Committee Members to consider adopting. Handout for the 1/15 meeting.
Agenda for the PDV Steering Committee on 1/15/2014
Handout from NMDOT for the PDV Steering Committee Meeting 1/15
Agenda for 4/4 Steering Committee Meeting
Background information and findings for the draft RFP.
PDV Steering Committee Minutes from 1/15/14
Draft language for scope of work for PDV site selection assessment.
Steering Committee Minutes from the 4/4/14 meeting
Handout that gives a status update of the acquisition status.
Presentation made by Parsons Brinckerhoff at the Paseo del Volcan 4/4/2014 steering committee meeting.
Paseo del Volcan Agenda 6272014
WALH and Ranch Presentation 6/27 PDV Steering Committee Meeting
Meeting Minutes 6/27
Nov 7, 2014 presentation made to steering committee re: economic opportunity analyses and implementation strategy
Open Space Presentation from Paseo del Volcan Steering Commmittee Meeting 6/27
Double Eagle II Presentation from Paseo del Volcan steering committee meeting 6/27
Final brochure for distribution
Paseo del Volcan Final Report with technical appendices