2015 Audits
06-24-15 - 15-106 - Special Audit - Purchase and Tracking of Ammunition - Albuquerque Police Department
Formal policies and procedures pertaining to APD’s ammunition inventory are needed. Although APD has an extensive supply of ammunition, it has not established and implemented department-wide policies and procedures for purchasing, tracking, and managing ammunition inventory. Tracking the acquisition, storage, and distribution of inventory is critical to controlling cost, operational efficiency, and mission readiness. APD should reduce the number of locations with ammunition inventory to limit risk and increase accuracy of inventory tracking.
06-24-15 - 15-107 - Performance Audit - Citywide – Use and Management of Staffing Agency Employees
The City has increased its use of staffing agency employees by 72.5 percent over the past five years, however, there is not one City department that has overall responsibility of monitoring and managing the use of this service. Each department is responsible for managing its own use, which has contributed to inconsistencies and violations of the contracts, request for bid (RFB) terms, and policies and procedures (P&P). The City has designed and implemented internal controls over obtaining, using, and managing staffing agency employees. However, these internal controls, which are detailed in the vendor contracts, RFB documentation, and P&P, are not consistently distributed and communicated to the department personnel in charge of obtaining, using, and managing staffing agency employees. This has caused many departments to be unaware of rules, regulations, and P&P regarding staffing agency employees, and consequently, has been the root cause of the exceptions. The current contracts the City has for staffing agency employee services are overdue to be rebid. The City can ensure that it is paying the most competitive prices, and offering departments the best staffing agency employee services by rebidding these contracts.
05-05-15 – 14-107 – Special Audit – TASER International Body-Worn Camera Procurements – Albuquerque Police Department
The City has an opportunity to strengthen its controls over procurements and educate both City employees and vendors on the City’s purchasing and conflict of interest regulations. Educating employees and vendors should increase awareness and compliance with City regulations.
02-25-15 - 15-102 - Performance Audit - Albuquerque Convention Center Renovation – Phase II Change Orders
The Department of Municipal Development (DMD) should be aware of and abide by contractual requirements, should perform an independent review of change orders and change order requests, and formally document City approval when change order work is authorized to begin. By addressing these items, DMD will improve project management and may help to identify additional cost savings in future projects. Strengthening and clarifying the contractual language regarding the consultant’s review of change orders will assist and benefit the City by increasing the level of confidence placed on the consultant in the future.
01-28-15 - 15-103 - Performance Audit - Traffic Engineering Division Capital Implementation Program Payroll and Staffing - Department of Municipal Development
The Traffic Engineering Division should implement an electronic work order system for the Management section, and should start requiring employees to indicate on the Management and Operations work orders whether the work performed is Capital Implementation Program (CIP) projects or repair and maintenance (R&M). The Traffic Engineering Division should record payroll expense to the CIP fund and GF based on the type of work performed.
10-29-2014 - 14-101 - Performance Audit - Inspection of Public Records Act - Citywide
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a performance audit of citywide processes and the resource impact for the completion of Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) requests. The audit was requested by the Administration and included in the approved fiscal year (FY) 2014 audit plan.
10-29-2014 - 14-106 - Performance Audit - Purchasing Card Use and Oversight
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a Citywide performance audit of P-Card use and oversight. The audit was included in OIA’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 audit plan.
08-27-14 - 14-102 - Audit - Operating Grants Fund Balance
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a performance audit of the City of Albuquerque’s (City) processes to resolve past, and prevent future, unidentified amounts in the operating grants fund balance. The audit was included in OIA’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 audit plan.