09-30-09 - 09-05-108F - Final Follow-Up - Youth Services and Community Centers, DFCS
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) performed a follow-up of Special Audit No. 05-108, Youth Services and Community Centers, issued October 25, 2006. The purpose of our follow-up is to report on the progress made by the Department of Family and Community Services (DFCS) management in addressing our findings and recommendations.
09-30-09 - 09-05-107F - Final Follow-Up - Computer User IDs
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) performed a follow-up of Management Audit No. 05-107, Computer User IDs, issued June 28, 2006. The purpose of our follow-up is to report on the progress made by Department of Finance and Administrative Services/Information Systems Division (DFAS/ISD) management in addressing our findings and recommendations.
09-30-09 - 09-103B - Final Report to the Council - Citywide FY09 3rd Quarter Budget Projections
City Ordinance 2-10-11 (B) ROA 1994 requires the Office of Internal Audit and
Investigations (OIAI) to perform reviews of City expenditures at the end of the second through fourth quarters of each fiscal year (FY). This report is presented to the City Council to satisfy the FY09 3rd Quarter requirement.
07-29-09 - 09-106 - Final Management Audit - Securing Critical Data - Citywide
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) conducted a Citywide
performance audit of the security and storage of electronic user-developed
documents. This audit was included in the fiscal year (FY) 09 approved audit
07-29-09 - 09-103B - Final Report to the Council - Citywide FY09 2nd Quarter Budget Projections
City Ordinance 2-10-11 (B) ROA 1994 requires the Office of Internal Audit and
Investigations (OIAI) to perform reviews of City expenditures at the end of the
second through fourth quarters of each fiscal year (FY). This report is presented
to the City Council to satisfy the FY09 2nd Quarter requirement.
10-18-06 -- Office of Internal Audit and Investigations - FY 2006 Annual Report
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) issued 19 final audit reports in Fiscal
Year (FY) 2006. Seven reports dealt directly with City management of programs and were
included in the annual audit plan.
12-09-09 - 10-05-110F - Final Follow-Up - Council Services Department
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 05-110, Special Audit of the Council Services Department (Council Services) issued July 26, 2006. The purpose of our follow-up is to report on the progress made by Council Services management in addressing our findings and recommendations.
09-20-07 -- 07-103B - Table B OTRFD Schedule FY07 Third Quarter
Table B - Financial Status Report. Expenditures, Appropriations and Annual Projections. All Funds Other Than General Fund. 3rd Quarter Projections, FY/07.
02-26-10 - 10-05-105F - Final Follow-Up - Permit and Inspection Processes, Planning Dept.
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 05-105, Permits and Inspection Processes, issued February 28, 2007. The purpose of our follow-up is to report on the progress made by the Planning Department (Planning) management in addressing our findings and recommendations.
07-30-08 -- 07-111 - Final Management Audit - Commercial Collections Division - Solid Waste Management Department
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations conducted a management audit of the – Commercial Collections Division (CCD) operated by the Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD). The audit was included in the fiscal year (FY) 07 approved audit plan.
02-26-10 - 09-105 - Final Management - Transportation Infrastructure Tax Fiscal Years 06 and 07, Department of Municipal Development and Transit Department
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) conducted a management audit of the Transportation Infrastructure Tax (TransTax) for Fiscal Years (FY) 06 and 07. The audit was included in the FY09 approved audit plan.
09-24-08 -- 08-103B - TABLE A 0-GENFD Schedule FY08 3rd Quarter
Table A - Financial Status Report. Expenditures, Appropriations, and Annual Projections. General Fund. 3rd Quarter Projections, FY/08.
09-11-09 - 09-107 - Final Management Audit - Evidence Unit - APD
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) conducted a management audit of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) – Evidence Unit. This audit was included in the fiscal year (FY) 09 approved audit plan by request of the Chief of Police for the City of Albuquerque (City).
02-26-10 - 10-06-111F - Final Follow-Up - City Operators Permit, Citywide
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 06-111, City Operators Permits, issued May 30, 2007. The purpose of our follow-up is to report on the progress made by the City of Albuquerque (City) in addressing our findings and recommendations.
10-03-08 -- 08-104 - Final Special Audit - Animal Welfare Department
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) conducted a special audit of
the Animal Welfare Department (AWD). In September 2007 the Animal Control
Division of the Environment Health Department became the AWD as a result of a
reorganization. The audit was the result of a request by City Council on September
4, 2007. AWD had an approved budget of approximately $10 million for fiscal year
(FY) 08.
11-28-07 -- 07-02-115F - Follow-Up - Computer Equipment Tracking Controls and Procedures
The Office of Internal Audit and Investigations (OIAI) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 02-115, Computer Equipment Tracking Controls and Procedures, issued September 28, 2005. The purpose of our follow-up is to report on the progress made by management in addressing our findings and recommendations.
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