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Karen Gives Birth

The 19-year-old Nile hippopotamus welcomed her third calf.

July 19, 2021 - Karen, a 19-year-old Nile hippopotamus, gave birth to a healthy baby on Monday, July 19, 2021. The sex of the baby is not yet known.

This is her third calf with 47-year-old Moe
“Karen’s pregnancy was a bit of a surprise, as she had been on birth control, but we are so delighted to welcome this new addition to the family,” said Lynn Tupa, Zoo manager. “Karen is an experienced mother, and both she and baby are doing great.”
Karen gave birth in the water in the hippopotamus exhibit, and some of our guests witnessed the birth. Limited opportunities for viewing the baby will be offered at the exhibit as long as mom and baby are doing well.
Hippos are native to sub-Saharan Africa. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the species as vulnerable. They suffer from habitat loss and poaching for the illegal ivory trade. The ABQ BioPark participates in a number of Species Survival Plans (SSP) for vulnerable, threatened and endangered species; this birth was part of the Nile Hippopotamus SSP.
MEDIA: B-roll and photos can be found here: