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West Sculpture Garden

On view in the West Garden: John Suttman, Dan Ostermiller, David Anderson, William Moyers, Betty Sabo, John Massee, Charles Strong, Ho Baron, Ed Vega, Tom Joyce, Iberian Hórreo, Tony Price, Beverley Magennis and Robert Stout, and Estella Loretto.

sculpture garden 2020

The West sculpture garden includes several examples of works cast in bronze which is a material often used to create more naturalistic figures like Dan Ostermiller’s Les Bears and Betty Sabo’s Julia Resting. The cowboy and sculptures reflecting the Old West are also subjects found in this section of the sculpture garden. Ho Baron creates an entirely different experience with his bronze sculpture that includes various heads that can be touched and moved by the viewer. Charles Strong also uses bronze in a different way by creating a monumental figure of the famous Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. The head can appear abstract depending on the angle from which it is viewed.

Several of the gates including those by Tom Joyce and John Suttman fuse both art form and function. While other artists like Tony Price utilize completely unorthodox materials like recycled steel and aluminum from Los Alamos National Labs. This eclectic group of sculptures feature different materials, stories and approaches to making art, but most reflect on some aspect of history or culture that is relevant to the diverse communities who are Albuquerque.

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sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

sculpture garden 2020

Hórreo, 18th Century from Galicia, Spain. Gift from Fundación Loewe, Madrid, Spain.

sculpture garden 2020