Albuquerque Family Advocacy Center
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The Family Advocacy Center first opened on October 23, 2007 and has successfully been serving the community every since. The center is committed to providing victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and their families with a safe setting to assist in addressing and overcoming the trauma of their experience and break the cycle of violence that destroys families.
The lobby of the Family Advocacy Center was recently remodeled thanks to grant funding to create a safe haven for victims and survivors. The new space includes a private seating area enclosed by healing plants, a kids corner, a check-in kiosk, and cellphone charges for those who will be visiting for long periods of time.
On-Site Partners
Albuquerque SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners)

Free, immediate, compassionate, culturally sensitive and comprehensive medical treatment and forensic services by nurse experts for survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence
- General Information: 505-883-8720
- To dispatch a nurse for an exam: 505-884-SANE (7263)
Advocacy for Domestic Violence Survivors

The DVRC Advocates will help you find resources and options to help you end the domestic violence you are facing. This may include helping you with filing restraining orders, creating safety plans, connecting you with another organization’s resources. We will guide you along your choices.
- Phone: 505-248-3165
- Email: [email protected]
New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department

The New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department provides an array of prevention, intervention, rehabilitative and after-care services to New Mexico children and their families.
- To Report Child Abuse and Neglect in New Mexico, call 1-855-333-SAFE (7233)or #SAFE from your cell phone
- View full contact information for CYFD.
New Mexico Legal Aid

New Mexico Legal Aid provides high-quality advocacy and legal representation to eligible and low-income individuals and families to help them help themselves toward safer, more stable, and healthier futures.
- Phone: 833-LGL-HELP (833-545-4357)
Para los Niños

Para los Niños serves children and adolescents for whom there is concern of sexual abuse or sexual assault by providing comprehensive medical examinations, laboratory evaluations, crisis counseling and anticipatory guidance by medical experts and family advocates.
- Phone: 505-272-6849 – Only professionals can refer patients to Para los Niños.
- If you would like to report child sexual abuse, please call the CYFD child abuse hotline at 505-841-6100.
Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico

The Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico offers free and confidential services to anyone affected by sexual violence. We have advocates that offer 24-hour support, advocacy, crisis intervention, resources, and referrals. Clinical counseling is available to anyone age 13 and up. Educational sessions and trainings are available to professionals, schools, and the community.
- 24/7 Hotline: 505-266-7711
- Office 505-266-7712
- Counseling Intake Line: 505-291-3563
United Way of Central New Mexico

United Way of Central New Mexico invests in efforts to ensure that individuals and families in central New Mexico have the opportunity to achieve potential through education, that they are healthy and safe, are financially stable and live life with dignity. As an original partner of the FAC, we support the services provided at the center.
- Phone: 505-247-3671
Off-Site Partners
Casa Fortaleza

Casa Fortaleza provides free counseling and services to survivors of sexual violence and their family and friends. Additionally, Casa Fortaleza provides education and empowerment to the Spanish communities for the eradication of all the forms of sexual violence.
Casa Fortaleza provee consejería y servicios gratuitos para sobrevivientes de violencia sexual y sus familiares y/o amigxs. Adicionalmente, Casa Fortaleza provee educación y empoderamiento a la comunidad de habla hispana para la erradicación de todo tipo de violencia sexual.
- Phone: 505-910-4031
- Albuquerque Address: 2340 Alamo Avenue SE, Suite 124, 87106
- Rio Rancho Address: 21st Street SE, 87124
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

The CSVANW’s mission is to stop violence against Native women and children by advocating for social change in our communities by providing support, education, and advocacy. The CSVANW does not provide direct services to individuals.
- Phone: 505-243-9199
- Address: 4600 Montgomery Blvd NE, Ste B202, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Enlace Comunitario

Enlace Comunitario (EC) offers the following free and bilingual services (Spanish-English) to victims of domestic violence in Central NM:
- Legal assistance: in obtaining Domestic Violence orders of protection, as well as direct legal representation for domestic matters cases (custody, child support, divorces). EC also coordinates with other agencies legal immigration assistance for victims of DV.
- Counseling: individual and group therapy for both, the primary victim and her children.
- Transitional housing: On a limited basis, EC provides assistance paying rent, utilities, and/or deposit.
- Parenting classes.
- Healthy relating classes.
- Connection to resources such as food, employment, transportation, health care, etc.
- Phone: 505-246-8972
- Email: [email protected]
- Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
New Mexican Asian Family Center

NMAFC is the only agency in the state providing culturally tailored programming to uplift a Pan-Asian community that can advocate for and support itself. Services include services for all crime victims and survivors, including those who have experience domestic violence and sexual assault.
- Phone: 505-717-2877
- Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico

The Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico provides support, community, and connection to transgender, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and gender variant people and their families through advocacy, education, and direct services.
- Phone: 505-440-3402
- Address: 149 Jackson St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
UNM Women's Resource Center

The UNM Women’s Resource Center is a place of advocacy, support, and safety for all members of the University of New Mexico and greater community. Victim services include advocacy, counseling and comprehensive education within a trauma informed space on campus.
- Phone: 505-277-3716
- Email: [email protected]
VAWA Immigration Project

The VAVW Immigration Project provides free legal representation to immigrant victims of domestic violence and sexual assault—including child sexual abuse—who may be eligible to apply for immigration protection as a result of their victimization.