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Elena Gallegos Open Space

Information about Elena Gallegos Open Space.

HOURS: Winter Hours Nov. 1–March 30, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  Summer Hours April 1–Oct. 31, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
LOCATION: 7100 Tramway Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122 MAP
CONTACT: Use and restriction of grills 505-206-0115  [email protected] Emergencies call 911  To report suspicious activity or vehicle lock-ins, please call 242-COPS.

UPDATE: The Elena Gallegos pay stations at trailheads are now the means of paying for entrance to the park. Please bypass envelope station at the front booth and continue directly to the three pay stations located at trailheads. 

Visitors to Elena Gallegos Picnic Area and Albert G. Simms Park enjoy many activities below the backdrop of the Sandia Mountains. The 640-acre park is a gem in the Open Space system. At an elevation of about 6,500 feet, visitors can view Mt. Taylor to the west, the Jemez Mountains to the north and the vast Tijeras Arroyo to the south.

The landscape supports a piñon-juniper habitat that includes chamisa, Apache plume, scrub oak, cane cholla cactus, blue grama grass, bear grass, and soapweed yucca. If visitors use their observation skills pack rat nests can be seen under juniper trees, coyote and bear scat can be identified along the trail, and the elusive cougar may be spotted traveling through a natural drainage.


Elena Gallegos Picnic Area

  1. From Interstate 40, exit on to Tramway north.
  2. After the Academy Road traffic light turn right onto Simms Park Road and travel east to the Information Center.

Reservation Areas

The following two areas are available for group reservations:


Seven covered picnic areas and two reservation areas with barbecue grills provide magnificent views to the east and the west. A network of multi-use trails offer challenges to hikers, bikers, and equestrians. Hikers also enjoy two trails for foot traffic only and access to the Sandia Mountain Wilderness area. On the north boundary of the picnic area is the Cottonwood Springs Trail, a self-guiding trail accessible to all people, leading to a pond and wildlife blind. A special feature of the Cottonwood Springs Trail are the shaded rest stops with original art work by Margie O'Brien interpreting the surrounding environment. Map of the Elena Gallegos Picnic Area trails.

School programs and family-based activities are offered throughout the year. Visit the Elena Gallegos Information Center, located at the entrance of the park, to learn more about the natural and cultural environment of this area.


Monday–Friday: $1 per vehicle
Saturday–Sunday: $2 per vehicle

Area Studies