Butterflies and Bees
An immersive exhibit featuring some of New Mexico's most amazing native pollinators.

This immersive exhibit features 40 species of native butterflies and moths, as well as other important pollinators like non-stinging native bees and fig beetles.
The exhibit also features a variety of native pollinator-friendly plants. Panels throughout the exhibit educate visitors about pollinators' role in helping us grow the food we eat, their life cycles, how to create pollinator-friendly backyards and more. An education table in the exhibit gives visitors a chance to interact with BioPark staff and participate in hands-on learning.
This exhibit typically opens for the season in late May, but is dependent upon seasonal weather conditions. Follow our socials for updates for 2024!
The exhibit is located on the west side of the Botanic Garden.
Pocket Guide to New Mexico Native Bees from New Mexico State University.