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Climate Action Plan

Information about the City of Albuquerque's Climate Action Plan.

One Albuquerque Climate Action Plan

Following the call of City Resolution R-19-187, and City’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, the 19-member Climate Action Task Force and City staff worked over 10 months to develop the 2021 Albuquerque Climate Action Plan (CAP). The process to develop this new plan sought to address the concerns of frontline community members, while engaging the entire community of Albuquerque through Covid-safe public outreach. On this page you can find:

Climate Action Plan CAP Dashboard

question What is a Climate Action Plan?

Climate Action Plan Equality and EquityA Climate Action Plan advocates our city’s values and defines actions to halt Albuquerque’s contributions to climate change. The Plan will also discuss what our community will do to prepare for our changing climate.

For Albuquerque’s Climate Plan, equity is in the driver’s seat. Throughout the process, residents that are most vulnerable to climate change were invited to lead the conversations about current challenges and future solutions. This approach will help ensure that front line communities – those that have been harmed by environmental injustice and who are likely to be hurt first and worst by the impacts of climate change – will benefit first and foremost from climate action. Employing a process utilizing targeted universalism is intended to lift up the entire City – making the plan’s course of actions stronger and more effective. To learn more about how to make Albuquerque more equitable and inclusive please check out the Office of Equity and Inclusion’s Culture Change Initiative Page for resources and learning opportunities.

community engagement CAP Community Engagement

The City recognizes that climate change compounds existing inequities, and that those communities who are likely to be the most impacted by climate change are those best able to develop solutions. To ensure community members continue to help shape the process during the monitoring and implementation processes that build on the 2021 CAP, the Sustainability Office provides meetings and surveys/feedback forms on a regular basis. This section provides information on all current community engagement efforts coordinated by the Sustainability Office. All CAP community engagement meetings provide a space for people to learn about current initiatives, ask questions, and provide input. The City is especially interested in hearing from community members regarding (1) initiative impacts, (2) constructive input for project implementers, and (3) continuous alignment with community priorities.

Stay Informed

Updates on public engagement opportunities are posted to this page and shared on social media platforms @CABQEHD. Sign up to receive updates on the Climate Action Plan implementation and opportunities to provide input.

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program: What is the status?

This U.S. Environmental Protection Agency program is led by the City for our metro area (called the metropolitan statistical area). The most recent draft of the Priority Climate Action Plan is available. Resources from our most recent community engagement meeting is provided in the Past Meetings section below, and here is a list of key dates for the program:

  • January 31st, measure content due to the City of Albuquerque for the Priority Climate Action Plan.
  • March 1st, the final Priority Priority Climate Action Plan is due to the EPA.
  • April 1st, deadline for Albuquerque to apply for the Implementation Grant, part of CPRG.
  • Summer/Fall 2025, the second planning document (the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan) is due to the EPA.

We will continue to update this page throughout the program to share the most recent information.

Be Heard

Help Shape Future Programs

Fill out the short Community Change Grant Survey and help shape our application! Community Change Grant Survey

Fill out the short feedback form for the Draft Citywide Composting Initiative and help shape the plan! Draft Citywide Composting Initiative Form en español

Past Meetings

Citywide Composting — Winter 2023-2024 various dates

This listening tour consisted of 20 meetings between November and December, mainly in-person, held in a variety of locations across the City. Each meeting included an overview of the design project, time to hear feedback and answer question from attendees, and asked community members to complete and share a short survey to directly inform the design of the program.

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program: Priority Climate Action Plan — Fall 2023 — Monday, December 4, 2-4pm

The Justice 40 Oversight Coordinating Committee meeting held on Monday, December 4, 2-4pm, focused on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program (CPRG), served as a community engagement meeting. The meeting included a brief overview of the CPRG Program and the PCAP proposed projects along with opportunities for attendees to provide input.

Transportation: Electric Vehicles — Spring 2023 — Wednesday, April 19, 5-6pm

This meeting included community a brief overview and updates from City staff and key partners on related electric vehicle projects and initiatives.

Transportation: Transit and Vision Zero — Winter 2022 — Wednesday, December 14, 5-6pm

This meeting included a brief overview and updates on transit and Vision Zero programs. The public heard from City staff and key partner Together 4 Brothers.

Energy Efficiency — Fall 2022 — Wednesday, September 28, 5-6pm

This meeting included a brief overview and updates on related projects, including the City's Energy and Sustainability Management BRAIN (Balanced Resource Acquisition and Information Network) and Community Energy Efficiency (CEE) projects. The public heard from City staff and key partners, including local utilities.